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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 260

Addison was confronted with Kendra's promissory note from the casino, and it was signed in Kendra’s handwriting. Addison was left with no choice but to comply.

These casinos were ruthless and feared by all, even the wealthy dared not cross them. What other choice did she have but to accept her fate?

After bringing the battered Kendra home, Addison could no longer contain her tears. Addison had spoiled Kendra since she was a child, never allowing her to experience any form of hardship. She never imagined that Kendra would endure such humiliation and be used as a plaything by those despicable men.

Seeing Kendra's evidently disturbed state, Addison, after a bout of uncontrollable weeping, decided to hire a renowned psychiatrist to provide Kendra with private counseling at home.

Every night, Kendra would sob uncontrollably, cowering in a corner, repeating the same two words, "No more, no more."

Witnessing this broke Addison's heart. This was her precious daughter, whom she had raised on her own. Natalia, that little witch, had turned her daughter into a mess. Utterly ungrateful!

She should've known better than to let that witch into her home!

Now, every time Addison saw her daughter, she couldn't help but curse Natalia in her heart. If only she hadn't found out that Natalia had supposedly drowned at sea, she would've been tempted to drag Natalia's corpse out of her grave.

One day, while driving to pick up Kendra's medication, Addison's gaze was drawn to a charming young boy staring out of a car window while waiting at a red light. Bored, she looked over to the boy and was shocked to see someone she never thought she'd see again.


She couldn't believe her eyes. Without a doubt, it was Natalia in that car. It had to be. She wouldn't mistake that face for anyone else. Beside Natalia was Magnus. There was no mistaking him either.

It turned out Natalia had not died after all but had been hidden away by Magnus. They even had a grown son now.

Addison fumed, and her face was twisted in anger. They had gone too far. Natalia was glowing, and it was clear Magnus was pampering her. What about Addison’s daughter, Kendra? Why was her daughter suffering such an unfair fate?

As she silently cursed Natalia to a bitter end and followed their car, a thought struck her. She wanted to hit them with her car.

However, she then decided that her life was far more valuable than Natalia's. She had a hundred ways to end Natalia's life without implicating herself.

“Natalia, just wait. One day, you'll taste the torment of hell!”

With that, Addison steered her car onto another road.

The driver of Magnus' car had noticed a car tailing them and decided not to mention it to Magnus when he saw the luxury convertible turn onto another road.

Was it perhaps just a coincidence? The driver shrugged it off and continued driving.


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