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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 273

After a hustle and bustle, the doctor, under Magnus' incessant urging, finally managed to treat Natalia's injury without losing his cool. Wiping the sweat off his forehead from the tension, the doctor finally turned to Magnus. "Mr. Andersen, your wife's wounds have been treated."

Magnus' worried expression finally eased a bit. "Good, let's get her to the VIP room for recovery, you guys must be on standby."

The doctor took a deep breath. "Mr. Andersen, rest assured, your wife's injuries are superficial, she will recover soon. There's no life-threatening danger!"

"Of course, why else would I come to you? My wife is blessed and will undoubtedly be fine." Magnus' temper had become incredibly irritable due to Natalia's injury, and every word he spoke sounded rude.

Fully aware of Magnus' temper, the doctors responsible for Natalia's treatment could only nod in agreement. "Of course, we will take Mrs. Andersen to the best VIP room in the hospital."

"Right, be careful." Magnus followed the doctors out of the room and headed towards the VIP room.

The medical staff placed Natalia onto the bed and promptly left. Knowing Magnus' current mood was off, no one dared to stay and become the scapegoat.

The room was completely quiet, as Magnus looked at Natalia, who was unconscious with a pale face, he was full of self-reproach, "My love, I blame myself for not protecting you! I'm sorry."

But Natalia couldn't hear anything Magnus was saying at the moment. Her injuries were not severe, and the main reason she had fainted was, as the doctor had said, due to seeing blood. She had seen Jonas unconscious and then saw her shoulder stabbed by Addison. She was so shocked that she fainted.

However, Magnus did not fully believe the doctor's explanation. He anxiously watched Natalia, who refused to open her eyes, and he paced around the room restlessly.

The door of the VIP room creaked open, and Paul quietly walked in. "Sir, Jonas has been sent home. The family's private doctor has examined him, and he has not sustained any injuries. He just fainted, and will be fine after some sleep."

Magnus nodded, if anything happened to Jonas, he would make Addison pay for it! "You take care of it. Make sure those people in prison take good care of Addison."

Hearing Magnus' threatening tone, Paul immediately understood his master's intention and left with a nod. "Yes."

Just as Paul was about to leave, he turned back and said, "Sir, Kyler is here. He wants to visit Ms. Natalia."

"What is he doing here? Tell him to get lost. I don't want to see him!" Magnus waved his hand irritably, telling Paul to kick Kyler out.

Paul, always loyal, immediately headed to the door to kick Kyler out of the hospital.

"Hold on!"

Paul stopped at the sound of Magnus' voice, ready to listen to his next instruction.

"Also, tell Kyler that if he doesn't want his family name to be stripped from Melfort, he better stop bothering my wife! Even when he sees her on the street, he better take a detour!" Magnus said coldly, as if the Clarkson family were toys he could break at will.

He hadn't made the Clarkson family disappear because he thought of his wife. Even though Natalia had suffered a lot under the Clarkson’s care, they still raised her. Natalia had a kind heart, and if Magnus went too far, she wouldn't accept it.


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