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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 280

With Rita by her side, Lexi began to explore the confines of Callum's castle.

Since her confinement, this was the first time she had the chance to wander around, and she was amazed by the grandeur of the castle.

Nestled between perfect natural scenery, surrounded by vibrant greenery and rugged mountains, it felt like being in an impeccable world.

Passing through corridors filled with delicate antiques, extravagant halls, and enchanting gardens, Lexi followed Rita to the farthest end of the castle. Ahead was a large iron gate, beyond which lay a dense forest.

"What's beyond there?" Lexi asked.

Rita glanced at the forest, leading Lexi further along as she spoke, "Miss Lexi, that's the castle's backyard, a massive forest. It's easy to get lost in there, so Mr. Callum has surrounded it with this fence."

Lexi took another look at the gate before following Rita on the tour. She would have been genuinely obsessed with this castle if it weren't for her captivity, but now, all she could think about was how to escape.

Rita continued to lead the way, oblivious to Lexi's thoughts, and began explaining the different sights within the castle, "Miss Lexi, this is the fountain, built during the Middle Ages..."

"Excuse me," Lexi interrupted, looking a bit sheepish. "I think I need to use the restroom."

Rita stopped. "Miss Lexi, the restroom is just around the corner, do you need me to accompany you?"

"No, no, I'm fine. I'll go by myself." Lexi quickly walked in the direction Rita had pointed.

Rita watched as Lexi walked away, noticing that her demeanor had changed drastically since her arrival. Indeed, there was nothing in life that one couldn't get used to.

Rita waited patiently, but when Lexi didn't return after a long time, she started to panic. She was worried that Lexi might have lost her way and hurried towards the restroom, softly calling out, "Miss Lexi? Miss Lexi?"

When Rita got close to the restroom, she was shocked to find Lexi climbing over the iron gate. She rushed towards Lexi in a panic. "Ms. Lexi, what are you doing?"

Lexi had made up her mind to escape and wasn't going to miss this golden opportunity. She kept climbing until she reached the top, and just as Rita got closer, she jumped to the other side of the gate, clapping her hands, "Rita, thank you for taking care of me. But I crave freedom and don't want to be trapped in this golden cage. I'm leaving, goodbye!"

"Ms. Lexi, no! The forest is too dense, you'll get lost. And there are wolves in the woods. Please, don't be foolish. Come back!" Rita stomped her foot in frustration, calling out to Lexi, hoping she would return.

But with freedom so close, there was no way Lexi was going to let Rita talk her out of it. She shook her head with a smile. "Even if I get lost in this forest, I have to try. Rita, you've never lost your freedom, so you wouldn't understand how it feels to be a caged bird. See you! Or rather, goodbye!"


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