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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 295

Natalia's dulcet voice filled the small hospital room, captivating everyone present. James, a sturdy man of steel, found himself shedding tears as he watched the scene unfold. Natalia's voice had elicited tears from everyone in the room.

Against all odds, Magnus, a man known for his volatile temperament, began to calm down. His frantic struggles ceased, and his cries of pain subsided. He simply watched Natalia – his beloved Natalia, serenading him with her enchanting voice.

His demeanor slowly turned peaceful. The terrifying madness that once consumed him was no longer evident. Those present, witnessing the miraculous unfolding, wiped away their tears and let out a relieved chuckle.

They never anticipated Natalia's melodic voice could subdue the raging Magnus, a feat even a group of strong men failed to accomplish.

"My heart holds an image of your face, etched with longing. The gentle words you spoke, I can't forget... I would trade my life for your eternal happiness. I cherish both the pain and solitude. From today until forever, my love for you will not change..."

Her melodious voice still echoed in the room. Natalia seemed tireless, singing endlessly for Magnus. She would sing as long as it could ease his suffering.

James helped the doctors lay a now calm Magnus back onto the bed. Once Magnus settled, he whispered to the doctors, "Let's leave them be. We shouldn't disturb them."

Soon, everyone, including Dr. Frankie, exited the room, leaving Magnus and Natalia alone. James glanced back nervously. "I hope Natalia will be okay alone with him. What if Magnus has another episode?"

Dr. Frankie reassured him, "It'll be fine. These fits are intermittent. It'll be a while before the next one. Besides, did you not see? Even in his deranged state, Magnus still recognizes Natalia's voice. His willpower is terrifying."

Reassured, James led Dr. Frankie away, hoping for a successful antidote this time around.

Meanwhile, in the room, Natalia held Magnus' hand tightly, never once stopping her soothing melody.

She knew that even though Magnus could hardly recognize anyone when his addiction was acting up, he still recognized her voice. If her voice could ease his pain even slightly, then she wouldn't mind singing till her throat is hoarse.

As her enchanting voice filled the room, dusk gradually descended outside. Slowly, Magnus closed his eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep. Natalia, her voice raspy from hours of singing, finally allowed herself a moment of rest.


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