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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 302

As soon as his words fell, a bombshell exploded within the confines of the conference room, leaving the shareholders in utter shock, and sparking an immediate uproar.

"How could this happen? Why would he touch that stuff?"

"Exactly, once you're hooked on the hard stuff, you're a goner."

"This is terrifying. What's going to happen to the company?"

"This is a disaster. How could something like this happen?"

Lucius watched the scene unfold before him with satisfaction, his heart brimming with triumph. He raised his hand, silencing the room. "Everyone, calm down. Given these circumstances, I must step up as your deputy CEO. We cannot allow our corporation to fall into the hands of a drug addict. That would be signing our own death warrant!"

Lucius' words resonated with the shareholders. After all, their priority was their profits. Whether it was Magnus or Lucius who held the CEO's position was irrelevant to them. They were content as long as they could comfortably collect their annual dividends.

Therefore, the first shareholder to fully comprehend this stood up. "Absolutely, we cannot hand over our enterprise to such a person. We cannot stand idle and watch our empire crumble! I propose we revoke the position of CEO from Magnus and appoint Lucius as CEO."

Once someone took the lead, those who were previously hesitant would slowly follow suit.

Soon after this shareholder's proposal, the rest, eager not to be left behind, responded in kind, "I agree, we should revoke Magnus' position and appoint Lucius instead."

"I agree!"

"I approve!"

"I consent, too!"

In no time, Lucius was unanimously appointed as the new CEO of Andersen Corporation. He promptly replaced all the department heads with his loyal followers, then sat back, smugly demanding that the cleaning staff throw out all of Magnus' belongings and replace them with his preferred office equipment.

News of Magnus' drug addiction spread like wildfire within the company. Sensing a juicy story, the local tabloid journalists wasted no time in printing this shocking news. The headline. [From Diamond-Studded CEO to Down-and-Out Drug Addict.] was splashed across the front page, sending shockwaves through the streets of Melfort. The news quickly sent Andersen Corporation's stock plummeting as panicked shareholders rushed to sell their shares.

Meanwhile, back at the private hospital, Dr. Frankie was tending to Morgan, completely unaware of the chaos unfolding outside.

After administering an IV to Morgan and seeing the steady rhythm of his heartbeat on the monitor, Dr. Frankie breathed a sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat from his brow and instructed the attending nurse, "Morgan was indeed on death's door. It's truly a miracle he survived. Remember, no more shock or excitement like this, it could be fatal."

After laying these instructions, Dr. Frankie exited the room, leaving the nurses to prepare the necessary medications.

He approached Natalia, who was leaning against the wall. "He's out of danger now."

"That's good to hear. I didn't expect things to turn out like this." Natalia sighed deeply. With Morgan and Magnus in adjacent hospital rooms, it was a heartbreaking sight.

Dr. Frankie, feeling helpless, suddenly realized that Lucius, who had accompanied Morgan, was missing. "Wait, where's Lucius?"


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