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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 307

As she spoke, Isabella deftly unclasped a thin silver chain from around her neck. Hanging from it was a tiny glass vial about the size of a thumb, filled with a deep green liquid. This must have been the antidote.

Upon seeing the coveted antidote, Natalia was overjoyed. She impulsively moved towards Isabella, reaching out to grab the vial, but Isabella skillfully sidestepped her.

Isabella held the antidote high, a cold smirk plastered on her face. "Natalia, you want this antidote, don't you? No problem. Leave Magnus, and I'll make sure he takes it."

Natalia was taken aback. "But even if I leave, Magnus will never accept you again."

"That's not your concern anymore. I live to torment you two. I want to break you apart, watch you drift apart, never to meet again!" Isabella's voice dripped with malice, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Only when you're gone will Magnus see how good I am! So, you must leave him. Go somewhere he'll never find you!"

"Isabella, you're seriously deluded if you think you can break us up like that. True love can't be broken by time or distance. You're so naive." Natalia was baffled by Isabella's twisted logic. It was madness.

"Naive? Ha!" Isabella scoffed dismissively. "You think it's as simple as you leaving? Natalia, you have to swear, swear to never return to Magnus' side, then I'll give you half of the antidote. The other half, I'll give to him after you've left."

"No, I can't do that." Natalia flatly refused. How could she leave Magnus? If she just left like that, how heartbroken would he be?

"Can't do it? Natalia, isn't Magnus already starting to deteriorate? Let me tell you, if you let this poison spread, it will get worse until it seeps into his marrow. By then, even if you have the antidote, it'll be useless." Isabella pocketed the antidote, crossed her arms, and stared at Natalia with certainty, convinced she would agree.

Natalia paled instantly. She knew Magnus' condition was critical, and the antidote was needed urgently. There was no more time to waste.

"Fine, I agree." Natalia sighed heavily, finally giving in to Isabella's demands.

"Hmm, I knew you'd have to agree. I want you to swear, that if you don't leave Magnus, Jonas would meet a terrible end!" Isabella's eyes gleamed blood-red.

Natalia was shocked. She was being asked to swear on Jonas by this wicked woman!

Natalia stared hard at the woman in front of her, her heart aching as if hit by a tidal wave. "Fine! I promise, if I don't leave Magnus, Jonas would meet a terrible end!" Her teeth gritted, she spat out the words, tears streaming down her face.

Isabella smirked triumphantly, handing over the vial around her neck to Natalia. "Here, this is half the antidote. Give it to Magnus, and it will stop his physical decay. But he needs the other half of the antidote for a full recovery. And that other half, I will give him only after you're gone."

Natalia took the antidote, treasuring it like a precious gem. She held the half-filled vial tightly, her body shaking uncontrollably.

"Natalia, I trust you'll keep your word. But you better move quickly, because Magnus' condition can't afford any more delays." With that, Isabella turned and left.


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