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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 314

With that, Jonas hopped off from Magnus' lap and began pacing around the room with determination. "Daddy," he said, "Mommy told me that if you keep moving forward, you can leave all your bad feelings behind."

Magnus watched his tiny son with a warmth spreading across his heart. He forced a small smile on his face, suppressing his overwhelming sorrow. "Jonas, let's go somewhere," he proposed.

Jonas paused, tilting his head curiously at Magnus. "Where to?"

"You'll see when we get there. First, we need to buy some flowers." Magnus then instructed May to purchase some fresh flowers for a visit to his father's grave.

May was efficient as always, and quickly accomplished the task at hand. She sent Magnus off in the car, providing the driver with the location of the family burial ground before joining them in the backseat.

As the car made its way to the Andersen family gravesite, Magnus felt his strength slowly returning. When they arrived, he decided he no longer needed the wheelchair. With James and Dr. Frankie absent, he got up, holding the daisies May had bought, and walked into the cemetery.

Upon reaching his grandfather’s tombstone, Magnus carefully placed the flowers and bowed. Jonas followed suit, copying his father's actions.

After three bows, Magnus lifted his head to look at Morgan's picture on the tombstone. Overwhelmed with grief, Magnus burst into tears.

Who said men didn’t cry? They just hadn't been hurt enough. His cries were heartrending, filled with sorrow for not being able to see Morgan one last time and fear of potentially losing Natalia.

Jonas quietly knelt beside Magnus, watching his father cry. He glanced at Morgan's picture on the tombstone, his eyes welling up with tears. For the first time in many years, Jonas saw his father cry.

"Father, don't be sad," Jonas said softly, reaching over to comfort Magnus. "If Great-grandpa knew how sad you were, he would be upset too."

After a good cry, Magnus felt much better. He looked down at Jonas, his face full of concern, and patted his head. "Good boy, Jonas. I’m just sad because I didn't get to say goodbye to my grandpa. That's why I'm crying."

Hearing Jonas' soft voice, Magnus felt a renewed strength. "Alright, I’m done crying. Let's go." Magnus stood up, carrying Jonas back to the car. There was no time for sorrow now; there were many things that needed his attention.

Back in the car, Magnus gave a stern command, "Back to the office."

As the car left the cemetery, Magnus closed his eyes. "Rest in peace, Grandpa," he thought to himself. His thoughts turned to Lucius, who had been given numerous chances but never seemed to learn. This time, there was no room for forgiveness.

Upon arriving at the office, Magnus stepped out of the car and strode into the busy lobby. The high-end office was bustling with employees, all busy with their morning tasks. However, as Magnus entered, they all stopped in their tracks, staring in disbelief.


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