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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 331

It had been nearly a year since she left Melfort, and aside from occasional news of Magnus in the local papers or TV, Natalia had no idea how he and their son, Jonas, were faring.

On nights like these, she wondered if he missed her as much as she missed him.

The evening had been a little awkward for Natalia, with Hector proposing out of the blue. Thankfully, Hector was quick to lighten the mood with a joke, saving her from the embarrassment. She knew she needed to be more careful with her actions to avoid leading him on. After all, Hector was an important part of her life, and she didn’t want to hurt him.

With these thoughts in her mind, she eventually drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, back in Melfort, Magnus was neck-deep in work. He kept himself busy to distract him from the pain of Natalia’s absence.

A year had passed, and there was still no sign of Natalia. He and Jonas spent the seasons longing for her. He rarely went home, preferring the solitude of his office. Every corner of their house was filled with her memories, and the sight of them was too painful to bear.

“Magnus, take a break. With all these files, aren’t you tired?” James had come to Boston to visit Magnus and report on his search for Natalia. As always, there was no news.

James was concerned seeing Magnus buried in paperwork all the time. He really wanted Magnus to relax a bit.

Magnus didn’t even look up from his files. “Doesn’t matter. I’m used to it. Any news?”

James shook his head. “Nothing. We’ve searched all over France and England. There’s no sign of Natalia anywhere.”

“Keep looking. Expand the search area.” Magnus’ voice was steady as if he’d grown numb to the reality of not finding Natalia.

James sighed quietly, worried about Magnus. A year had passed, and there was still no sign of Natalia. How could she have disappeared entirely?

“Why are you still standing there?” Magnus glanced up from his files to see James still standing in the same spot. He urged him to continue the search for Natalia.

James hesitated, then plucked up the courage to voice his fears, “Magnus, we’ve been looking for a year now. We’ve covered over a dozen countries, but there’s still no sign of Natalia. Do you think…?”

“Think what?” Magnus’ sharp gaze met James’ eyes. “What are you trying to say?”

James took a deep breath. “Magnus, do you think something bad might’ve happened to Natalia?”


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