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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 340

Magnus couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement. Clearing his throat, he continued to lead James towards the leather couch and casually invited William over, "William, care to join us?"

Shaking his head, William declined, "You guys go ahead, I've got guests to attend to. Enjoy yourselves." With that, William, every bit the gentleman, walked away.

Once William was out of earshot, James murmured, "Is it just me, or is William a bit off his rocker? We're going over to chat with his sister, and he tells us to enjoy ourselves. Is this his way of selling his sister for some fat cash?"

Magnus promptly gave James a light knock on the head. "Shut it! Not everyone has a dirty mind like you."

James couldn't help but retaliate, pointing to himself and questioning, "Me? A handsome, dashing, suave, affluent man being slandered like this? It's an outrageous injustice! I might have a dirty mind, but you have a dirty body!"

Keeping his voice low, James knew better than to push Magnus' buttons, especially when he was already so wound up over Natalia.

Diana had already taken her seat on the plush couch in the corner, eagerly awaiting Magnus' arrival. Seeing Magnus and James walking over, laughing and joking, her fondness for Magnus only increased. He might have been a powerful man, but his ability to mingle with his subordinates won her over.

Unaware of Diana's internal monologue, Magnus led James over and practically pushed him to sit next to Diana, before finally settling down himself.

Diana's heart pounded as Magnus took his seat, noticing how he had positioned James between them. She couldn't help but think that Magnus was interested in her. Could he be trying to hide his feelings?

Suddenly, Diana found herself feeling a bit shy. She twirled her wine glass, pondering over what she would do if Magnus were to ask her out.

"Miss Diana, I'm quite interested in your design sketches. Could you tell me more about them?" Magnus cut straight to the chase, bypassing any small talk.

Diana's smile froze. She hadn't expected Magnus to be interested in her designs. Could this be his unique way of flirting?

Inwardly, she frantically tried to remember anything about the designs - they weren't even hers. The recluse designer had never shown up to any social gatherings, leaving Diana to take the fall for her.

Those design drafts were not designed by Diana, but what William said before was not wrong. She indeed studied design for a while, but she didn't have the talent and inspiration later, so she moved to the sales area and usually responsible for attracting potential clients for her brother William.

Magnus' question was too abrupt, and Diana took a long time to recall the design drafts she had seen. To be honest, when she saw those drafts at that time, she foresaw that the clothes made according to these designs would definitely sell well with her many years of sales ability.


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