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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 347

At this moment, Diana's whole being was focused on Magnus. She couldn't care less about what to eat; she was on cloud nine. "Sure, as long as you enjoy it, I'm in," she chimed in, her heart fluttering with anticipation.

"Well then, let's go, shall we?" Magnus suggested, his voice carrying a polite undertone. He accompanied Diana towards the entrance of the hotel.

Wearing her stilettos, Diana feigned a delicate demeanor, reaching out subtly to link her arm with Magnus. Observing his stern demeanor, she withdrew her hand, not wanting to overstep boundaries.

Diana trod carefully, not wanting to appear too forward in front of Magnus, who was known for his reserved nature. Meanwhile, James trailed behind them, his expression a mix of annoyance and disdain. What did this have to do with him anyway? He just returned from Italy. Couldn't they give him a break? He had things to handle back in Europe. He was not at all thrilled about dining with Diana.

As they walked, Magnus and Diana side by side, and James trailing behind in an unenthusiastic manner, they reached the hotel entrance only to find it swarmed by paparazzi, their camera lenses pointed directly at them.

Being one of Melfort's most eligible bachelors, Magnus' every move was under constant scrutiny. Rumor had it that Magnus had brought back a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty from his travels, causing quite a stir among the media.

The paparazzi, always on the hunt for juicy stories, had gathered around the hotel where the mysterious woman was rumored to be staying. As luck would have it, just as they got their cameras ready, Magnus stepped out with the stunning woman, their complementing figures causing quite a sight.

“Mr. Andersen, is this your new girlfriend?”

“Mr. Andersen, has this lady broken your year-long streak of bachelorhood?”

“Mr. Andersen, could you reveal the name of this lady?”

Facing the onslaught of cameras and questions, Magnus maintained a stoic facade, not uttering a single word. His patience was tested by the relentless reporters who seemed to have an insatiable curiosity.

Magnus stayed silent, so the reporters turned their attention to Diana, raising their microphones towards her.

“May we know your name, madam?”

“Would you mind sharing your relationship with Mr. Andersen?”

“Miss, how far has your relationship with Mr. Andersen progressed?”

“As the only woman by Mr. Andersen's side, when can we expect a wedding announcement?”


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