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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 350

With a self-deprecating shake of her head, Diana decided that she couldn’t afford to miss this golden opportunity in front of her. With the help of alcohol courage, she made her way towards Magnus. She swayed over to him, lifted her drink, pouted her red lips, and murmured, “Mr. Andersen, do you know what I’ve been doing these past few days?”

Magnus took a small step back and asked nonchalantly, “What have you been doing?”

“I’ve been thinking about you,” Diana confessed, throwing herself into Magnus’ arms. “I don’t care, I don’t want to go back. I want to stay by your side forever, like your little lamb.”

Magnus cringed at Diana’s words and swiftly put up his arm to block her advance. “Miss Diana, you’re drunk. You should rest,” he said coldly, his nostrils flaring at the overwhelming scent of her perfume.

Meanwhile, Diana, teetering on her high heels, stumbled and fell against Magnus’ arm.

“Good heavens, Mr. Andersen, I want to be your little lamb,” James mimicked Diana’s tone, laughing hysterically on the couch. “Oh, I can’t stand it, Magnus. I can’t spend any more time with this woman!”

Magnus shot James a glare, glanced at Diana draped over his arm, and said, “Stop laughing and help her to bed.”

Reluctantly, James hoisted Diana off Magnus’ arm and onto the nearby couch, dusting his hands off with a grimace.

Diana passed out, and James said to Magnus, “This woman is as sly as a fox. She’s stubbornly refusing to talk about the design drafts. We can’t keep playing this game with her!”

Magnus nodded, his patience running thin. He had yet to find any clues about Natalia. Was he wrong? Were the design drafts actually Diana’s?

No, it wasn’t possible.

Magnus trusted his instincts. Diana was hiding something, and the design drafts bore a striking resemblance to his wife’s style.

“That’s it. You can send her back to Rome when she wakes up. There’s no point in keeping her here any longer,” Magnus decided, ready to leave. He had hoped to find out about Natalia’s whereabouts from Diana, but after waiting for so long with no results, he was fed up.


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