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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 352

Hector's heart sank as he watched Natalia, knowing she was still pining for Magnus. Yet Magnus was now with Diana. A man playing two sides would never bring happiness to Natalia, he thought with a heavy sigh.

Despite his thoughts, Hector didn't mention anything about Magnus. He handed Natalia a glass of apple juice, softly saying, "Natalia, there's a big flower market happening in the Roman Plaza in a few days. Would you like to go with me?"

"Thanks." Natalia took the juice, nodding politely to show her gratitude, then asked curiously, "A flower market?"

"Yes, the entire plaza will be filled with all kinds of flowers. It's really something. Would you like to go with me?" Hector asked, hoping for her approval.

Natalia had been living here for a while, and this was the first time she'd heard of such an event. Perhaps it was because she usually stayed home.

Noticing Hector's hopeful expression, Natalia found it hard to refuse his kind invitation, so she graciously accepted, "Okay, when does it start?"

Hector's face lit up with such joy that he was almost bouncing off the walls! Natalia had agreed to join him at the flower market. This meant she would surely move on from Magnus.

"Just in a few days." Hector's eyes sparkled, his whole being radiating excitement.

Natalia felt slightly embarrassed. All this time, she hadn't made any promises to Hector. Instead, he had been the one taking care of her, always mindful of her feelings.

"I promise I'll try to be happy, Hector. You don't have to go out of your way to cheer me up." Natalia smiled faintly, but only she knew that the cheery smile did not reach her eyes. Her heart was still in a desolate place.



Diana had been working non-stop these past few days, sketching design after design until her desk was piled high with papers. As a professional designer, she had to admit, these designs were nowhere near as good as the ones Magnus had appreciated before.

Whenever she realized this, her heart filled with frustration. She refused to accept that she was inferior to the mysterious designer!

Diana cleared her mind, sat back at her desk, and immersed herself in her work again. Until the night fell, she had to admit that she hadn't created a design worth praising. The designs she sketched were visually pleasing, but they lacked soul. They felt hollow and bland, devoid of any substance. With a sigh, Diana finally acknowledged the gap between her and the mysterious designer.


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