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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 361

The images before her pierced Natalia's heart like a dagger, and in a profound revelation, she recognized the little angel-faced boy before her as her own son—Jonas.

"Jonas, how did you end up here? Oh honey, Mommy has missed you so much!"

Natalia's heart raced as she lunged forward to embrace Jonas, only to find herself hugging thin air. His figure shimmered and dissolved right before her eyes as if he were mere mist slowly fading away. Around her, the thick, impenetrable fog lingered.

"Jonas! Jonas! Where are you? Please, come back!"

Natalia wandered helplessly through the fog, her voice echoing desperately as she called out for her son. But no matter how long she walked, Jonas remained elusive.

Natalia couldn't tell how much time had passed when suddenly, she saw a flickering light in the distance accompanied by a faint voice. "Natalia, today marks the 124th cactus flower bloom. If you don't wake up soon, I'm truly going to go broke."

Whose voice was that? It sounded both familiar and foreign. Confused, Natalia moved towards the source of the voice. As she neared the light, it morphed into an unfathomable black hole that swiftly enveloped her.

"Ah—!" Natalia's scream tore through the silence as she plummeted into an endless vertigo and boundless darkness.

"Natalia? Natalia?! Are you waking up? Please tell me you're waking up."

Back in reality, Hector had just finished talking to Natalia when he noticed her hand trembling uncontrollably. The discovery filled him with exhilaration. He immediately pressed the emergency button, his gaze fixed intently on Natalia for any sign of change.

Soon, the on-duty doctor arrived and, after a flurry of activity, joyfully informed Hector, "Congratulations, she's regained consciousness and could wake up at any moment. This is a medical miracle. You are incredible!"

Despite the doctor's praise, Hector didn't utter a word. His joy at the prospect of Natalia's awakening consumed him, and he barely heard the doctor. Instead, he jubilantly celebrated in the hospital room, "Thank God! Natalia is finally coming around!"

"No, you should thank yourself. Young man, you've been amazing," the doctor couldn't help but praise Hector again. "Your devotion over these past months has moved us all, and I believe it's touched the young lady who's been in a deep coma. You've really done something remarkable."

"What do I do now? What happens when she wakes? Or, what should I be doing right now?" Hector finally asked about the next steps, eager to continue being useful.

The doctor clapped Hector on the shoulder. "Son, you're overwhelmed with emotion, which is completely understandable given the rarity of such events in the medical field. You should keep talking to her. Keep stimulating her brain. It could help her wake up sooner. Once she wakes up, we'll take over. After all, we're the experts."

"Alright, the moment she wakes, I'll let you know!" Hector promised, spinning in a happy circle in the room. "Natalia, it's such great news. You're almost awake! I can't help but praise God! This is wonderful!"

"Natalia, please wake up soon. Some of the cacti I brought have started blooming with the prettiest little flowers. Would you like me to show them to you?


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