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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 365

He stopped going to the company, and had handed over the reins to his VPs and Paul, spending his days lounging around O'Malley's, the local watering hole managed by his buddy James.

With his air of casual wealth, a man like Magnus naturally drew the gaze of the town's femme fatales. They prided themselves on their complexions and legs for days, draped in little black dresses and killer heels. Each was vying for the chance to share a wild night with the disheveled, yet undeniably handsome, drinker beside them.

But before any of them had a chance to cozy up to Magnus, they'd be met with a growl, "Scram!"—sending them scurrying away, their high hopes dashed. James witnessed this routine almost daily. All he could do was shrug, at a loss, for how to handle his friend's self-destructive behavior.

Months had passed since their return from Rome, but Magnus' spirits remained as sunken as ever. He spent his days soaked in booze as he shouted at anyone who dared to disturb his brooding.

O'Malley's had always been the hotspot for the well-heeled to unwind, but with Magnus' presence, the bar had taken on a glacial vibe, repelling the countless hopeful young women who sought his attention.

James had expected business to tank, with Magnus' morose mood killing the vibe. But to his surprise, the bar was packed to the rafters night after night. As he watched the dolled-up ladies hovering near Magnus, batting their eyelashes or feigning modesty, James silently wished them luck—they'd need it.

When Magnus slumped over the bar, too drunk to stand, James sighed and approached him. "Magnus, time to head home."

"Home?" Magnus mumbled, lifting his bloodshot eyes.

With a bitter smile, he squinted at James. "Home, huh? Where's that? I don't have a home."

Indeed, how could it be home without his wife?

"Magnus, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Your body can't take it. I know you want to find Natalia, but she's disappeared without a trace..."

Before James could finish, Magnus swung a punch at him, fueled by rage and whiskey. "Never say she vanished! She's just hiding, hiding from me. If I was dead, she'd come back... So let me drink myself to death!"

The punch, though thrown with all the energy Magnus could muster in his drunk state, packed little punch. Still, it was enough to stagger James, who spun on his heel and stormed off. "You're crazy, Magnus! Do whatever you want! Drop dead for all I care!"

Magnus ignored him, drowning his sorrows in the bitter sting of whiskey. Only when the alcohol numbed his brain could he escape the pain in his heart.

"Ew, Magnus, you're a mess. But I knew I'd find you here." A melodic voice rang out beside him.

Without looking up, Magnus waved her off. "Beat it!"

Usually, his icy one-word dismissal was enough. But not this time. The woman edged closer. "Gosh, you reek. Tell me, Magnus, have you found Natalia? We've all been so worried with no news for so long."


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