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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 369

As Natalia's voice trailed off, the first clap echoed from some corner of the room, soon followed by others as applause spread contagiously through the crowd. It erupted, thunderous and overwhelming, bringing to life a storm of adoration.

And then came the shouts, fervent and loud, from fans who couldn't contain their excitement.

"Natalia's right! With a face like an angel, everything you say is gospel!"

"Absolutely! Those designs are heavenly. You can do no wrong!"

The chants and cheers encircled the runway, and Natalia's cheeks flushed with a touch of shyness, as she became the epitome of charming delight.

She opened her arms, gesturing for the audience to settle down, before humbly saying, "Thank you all for your love and support. Honestly, I'm just your average girl, maybe with a stroke of luck. I..."

Her words faltered mid-sentence as she locked eyes with someone in the front row, her mind going blank, all her well-prepared speech forgotten. Only one name swirled in her head, Magnus.

There he was, her fateful storm, Magnus, hidden behind large sunglasses, yet his intense gaze seemed to pierce through, stubborn and fiery.

She had imagined countless reunions with Magnus in her wildest dreams, but never under such circumstances.

Aware that Natalia had spotted him, Magnus slowly removed his sunglasses, revealing a smile that Natalia knew all too well. Silently and deeply, he mouthed a word, "Nat."

Though soundless, Magnus knew she understood. His wife had always been perceptive. If not for his self-control, he would have rushed to embrace her, to express his longing and the sweet agony of missing her...

But for now, he wanted nothing more than to quietly observe her, admire her radiant beauty, and etch her perfect image into his heart.

If possible, he wished to freeze time at this moment, to forever gaze upon his beloved wife without the fear of her slipping away the next instant.

Time seemed to stand still as their gazes entwined, the world reduced to just the two of them, lost in silence, yearning for communion. Their eyes spoke volumes of recriminations, passion, frustration, longing, and a myriad of tender sentiments only lovers could comprehend.

The audience, puzzled by the sudden silence on stage, began to murmur among themselves. Backstage, Hector sensed something was amiss. He glanced at the big screen, saw Natalia looking towards the audience, and swiftly directed the camera there, only then noticing Magnus sitting in the front row.


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