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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 371

James lowered his head, "She's gone, ran off with Hector."

"What? With Hector? No way, that's not happening!"

He could feel that Natalia still loved him. Her eyes were filled with sorrow the moment she met his gaze. That was his woman. She couldn't just leave him behind!

Magnus yanked the IV from the back of his hand and leaped from the hospital bed. "I'm going to find her! I can't let her slip away this time!"

James stood in Magnus' way. "Magnus, man, come on, snap out of it. Natalia... she doesn't love you anymore. If she did, how could she leave you and little Jonas for over a year without a word?"

"What do you know? She did it for us, remember? That vile vow she was forced to take? That bitch Belle... I regret not making her suffer more before I ended her!" Magnus spat out with a bloodthirsty glint in his eyes.

"Magnus, stop kidding yourself. There are plenty of good women out there. Let go of Natalia," James pleaded earnestly.

Magnus shoved James aside and headed for the door. "Get out of my way. They might be perfect, but none of them are Natalia! She's the one I want!"

James was shoved aside after helplessly revealing the harsh truth. "Magnus, after you passed out yesterday, Natalia herself told me she doesn't love you anymore. Now she's engaged to Hector. Would she leave you on stage and walk away if she loved you?"

Magnus' step faltered at the news, but then he strode towards the door without hesitation. "No, she can't be engaged, because I'll kill him!" With that, Magnus stormed out of the hospital room without looking back.

James shook his head and glanced down to see that Magnus had left barefoot; his custom-made alligator leather shoes were still neatly placed under the bed. Sighing, James picked up the shoes and chased after Magnus. "Magnus, for heaven's sake, put on your shoes before you go!"

Meanwhile, Hector had taken Natalia back to NH International. He gently set her on the plush sofa in the reception room and had just turned to pour her a glass of water when he noticed Natalia stirring awake.

"Waking up? Thirsty? I got you some water," Hector said, helping Natalia sit up and handing her the water.

Natalia took a few sips. Her frantic emotions were slowly calming down, and she looked at Hector apologetically. "Hector, I'm so sorry, I messed up the fashion show today. I'm such a mess."

Hector shook his head. "No, the fashion show was a huge success. Just now, my secretary told me we've received over a hundred orders from around the world."

"Really? That's fantastic." Natalia's cheeks flushed with relief and excitement, giving her a lively glow.

"Yes, Natalia, believe in yourself. No one does it better," Hector said, his eyes full of affirmation.

Natalia's gaze dropped, filled with melancholy. "But I still got thrown off by Magnus so easily. I'm so weak."

Hector hesitated for a moment, then met Natalia's helpless gaze, and gently suggested, "Natalia, don't think about that. If you've decided to say goodbye to the past, don't let it trouble you. Running away is useless. You have to face it bravely to break free."


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