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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 375

She eased the bedroom door open. Her stomach was in knots at the thought of facing Hector. After all, the fleeting hesitation she felt upon seeing Magnus yesterday still lingered – the temptation to simply pack up and leave with him had been real.

Descending the stairs, Natalia scanned the room only to find Hector absent. The place felt hollow without him, yet the kitchen table held a breakfast he had prepared before leaving – a plate of sizzling bacon and eggs accompanied by slices of buttered toast and a glass of strawberry smoothie, all emitting a comforting aroma.

Tears welled up in Natalia's eyes as she approached the meal he had made with such care. A note rested against the smoothie glass. [Gone to the office. Don't overthink things. Have a good breakfast, and take care of yourself.]

The familiar handwriting on the note was the last straw for Natalia; her tears fell freely. Hector had always tended to her with such attention to detail, and her heart swelled with mixed emotions.

The doorbell chimed, snapping her from her reverie. “Coming, who is it?” She called, puzzled, as she padded toward the front door, yet the bell continued to ring without a response.

Opening the door, a small figure barreled into her with a koala-like grip. A child's voice was barely holding back sobs. “Mommy!”

It was none other than Jonas, whom James had brought over in the night.

Clutching Natalia tightly, Jonas refused to let go. His tear-streaked face lifted to look at Natalia. “Mommy, I missed you so much, did you not want me anymore? Why haven't you come back?”

Natalia's heart shattered. She hadn't seen her precious son in over a year, and his growth was evident. His face was etched with silent accusation. Guilt overwhelmed her, and she sobbed, “Jonas, my love, I'm so sorry. I never stopped wanting you!”

“But you've been gone so long, Mommy. I missed you so much, I even dreamed of you every night. You said you'd be back soon. Daddy said he couldn't find you, and I felt so sad.”

Jonas' words cut through Natalia like a dull blade. The torment of missing her son throughout the year was incessant. Every second was filled with concern. Now, it culminated in the raw pain of seeing Jonas' longing and hearing his cries. As they wept together, Magnus stepped in from the doorway, his voice soft but firm. “Honey.”

Natalia froze. In the joy and tears of seeing Jonas, she had completely forgotten about Magnus. After all, it had been his idea that brought Jonas here out of the blue. But in front of her son, she couldn't bring herself to send Magnus away and pretended not to hear him.

“Sweetheart, are you hungry? We've got breakfast ready,” She said, guiding Jonas back to the kitchen table, indicating the meal Hector had prepared.

Jonas nodded vigorously, still clinging to her. “I just flew here, Mommy, and I'm really hungry.”


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