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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 384

Magnus, seizing a moment when Lucius was caught up in his triumphant reverie, made a stealthy beeline for the massive cargo ship that held Jonas in its iron grip.

"Halt!" Lucius snapped to attention, drawing the pistol he'd purchased in advance. Its dark barrel was aimed squarely at Magnus. "Oh, come on, Magnus. Did you really think I'd let you walk away alive?"

Magnus slowly turned, his icy gaze churning like a stormy sea. "I've paid you as agreed. What more do you want?"

"What more? Have you lost your mind, Magnus? You've ruined me—left me with nothing. Why should I simply take your money and let you leave? You're so naive!" Lucius sauntered toward Magnus, his eyes gleaming with malicious satisfaction. "You've been playing your games, Magnus, but did you ever imagine you'd meet your end at my hand?"

"Hold on!" Natalia's voice pierced through from afar. Disregarding the sinking sands of the beach, she kicked off her heels and sprinted forward, barefoot. "Wait, Lucius! Please, let Jonas go. We'll pay you anything! Just don't hurt him."

Magnus hadn't expected Natalia to show up now of all times. Fuming, he turned to James, who had followed her. "James, what did I tell you before I left? How could you bring her here?"

James, looking sheepish, replied, "If anything happened to you and I hadn't brought her, how could I live with myself?"

"It was my choice to come, not James' fault!" Natalia interjected, her fearlessness undiminished even by the pistol in Lucius' grip. She stepped closer and pleaded, "Lucius, we'll give you anything you want. Just please, spare Jonas. He's family, for heaven's sake. Don't do something you'll regret forever."

"Family?" Lucius laughed bitterly. "The day I was thrown into that cell, I lost any family I ever had in this world!"

With the pistol now pressing against Magnus' throat, Lucius continued his tirade. "So, you brought backup? Perfect. Today, I'll send you all to the land of the dead together. You can be a happy family in hell!"

Then, with a lascivious grin at Natalia, he added, "I didn't expect you to still be this stunning after all these years. It's a shame, really, with explosives rigged all over this place. But if you spend the night with me, maybe I'll consider sparing your lives."

Magnus, with the gun to his head, found his vision fracturing with rage. His own life was dispensable, but not Natalia's, not Jonas'. Should Lucius be provoked to detonate the bombs, it would be catastrophic!

"You've lost your humanity, Lucius!" Magnus roared with fury.

"Humanity?" Lucius sneered. "You've been stepping on me for years, Magnus. And now, I'm going to enjoy watching your beloved wife and child die right before your eyes."

In a swift, brutal motion, Lucius shoved Magnus aside and yanked Natalia to him. His head descended toward her neck. "No wonder she’s got you all twisted up. She smells divine."


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