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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 389

“Darling, I remember you once asked me what mattered most in this lifetime. I must have forgotten to tell you, but you and Jonas are the most precious things to me. Honey, I'd give up the world just to stay by your side. Would you let me?"

Since he couldn't bring her back to his side, the only choice he had was to go to hers. Magnus murmured these words into the quiet room, waiting for an answer that never came. He glanced down at Natalia, who was resting against his chest, and realized she had fallen asleep.

Gazing at her peaceful face, he whispered affectionately, "My love, what am I to do with you? They say Magnus in the boardroom is like a warrior god, but only I know how utterly small and humble I am before you. All my efforts and toil are just to win a smile and a laugh from you."

He chuckled softly, holding her close.

The night grew quiet, and the hospital room with it. Magnus maintained an awkward position, one hand held high, the other cradling Natalia to his chest. It was uncomfortable, but he cherished it, unwilling to disturb her sweet dreams. For with Natalia in his arms, his life felt complete and his dreams all the sweeter.

The next morning, Natalia woke from her dreams. She yawned lazily, only then realizing she had fallen asleep on Magnus' chest.

Heavens, when was the last time she had fallen asleep so quickly? Shaking her head slightly, she tried to convince herself it was just exhaustion, not because it was Magnus who held her.

Carefully, she extracted her blouse from under him and slowly got out of the hospital bed. Just as she reached for the door, it burst open, and Jonas bounded in full of energy. "Daddy, Mommy, the sun's high up! Time to get up!"

Jonas stopped mid-sentence when Natalia gestured for silence. Sheepishly, he whispered, "Good morning, Mommy."

"Good morning, sweetheart. Where did you sleep last night?" Natalia suddenly remembered Jonas hadn't come back the night before and felt like she had failed as a mother.

Sticking his tongue out again, Jonas replied, "Uncle James took me out for dinner last night, and when we got back, you and Daddy were already asleep. Uncle James told me not to wake you and took me to my room."

Relieved, Natalia said, "That's good. Remember the lesson from last time. Don't go wandering off alone."

"Okay, Mommy. Uncle James said I might have a little sister or brother soon. Can I have a little sister?" Jonas asked seriously.

Natalia's cheeks burned, but she was puzzled, "Why a sister?"

"Because I want to be a big brother and protect her. Little brothers are too mischievous. I'd prefer a little sister." Jonas negotiated with a hug. "Please, Mommy, can you plant a little sister for me?"

"Plant?" Natalia was bewildered by the word.

Jonas' eyes sparkled, "Uncle James explained it to me. He said a little sister is something you and Daddy made together. Daddy plants the seed in mommy's field, and after a while, it sprouts and grows into fruit, and then you get a little sister."

Embarrassed, Natalia instructed, "From now on, stay away from James, okay?"



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