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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 40

Magnus' phone buzzed; it was a message from Dr. Frankie. He glanced at it, revealing a wry smile.

[Congrats, Magnus, Mrs. Andersen is quite a catch,] the text read.

Natalia, meanwhile, was still basking in the good news, pushing the wheelchair in a state of bliss. Linden followed behind them as they walked out.

As they reached the hospital entrance, Linden prepared to start the car, while Natalia stood with Magnus at the hospital's entrance. Suddenly Magnus felt a gun aimed at him from behind the hospital shade, "BAM BAM!" With the sound of the gunshot, the bullet was already flying towards Magnus' head.

Natalia was standing directly in their path. Magnus instinctively grabbed her, sending the wheelchair careening away.

The shadowy figure fired again, and Magnus' wheelchair veered towards the flower beds by the entrance.

"Are you okay, darling?" Magnus checked Natalia for injuries, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Who's trying to kill us?" Natalia stuttered, her heart ready to leap out of her chest.

Magnus did his best to comfort her, "Stay calm. Don't move."

Another burst of gunfire echoed through the air, bullets shattering the concrete of the flower beds. One grazed Magnus' arm, drawing blood.

Natalia screamed, "Magnus, you're hurt!"

The gunfight raged on, with Linden now exchanging fire with their assailants. Magnus held Natalia close, "Stay in my arms. Don't look up."

Natalia tried to protest, but Magnus' wheelchair was already careening away. She huddled in Magnus' arms, the gunfire and screams echoing around them. Suddenly, she heard Magnus grunt in pain. Lifting her head, she saw a fresh stream of blood trickling down his shoulder. She panicked, "Magnus, you're hurt! Let me go!"

She could run, but Magnus was in a wheelchair and had to protect her. How was that possible?

Ignoring her pleas, Magnus wheeled towards the car, tossing Natalia inside. "Stay inside, darling."

"What about you?" She saw Magnus' wheelchair slide to the right. Then he pulled a gun from his waist. "Boom boom!" A couple shots and two black men over there went down.

Linden immediately opened the car door, "Sir, get in."

Magnus jumped into the car, bullets hitting the door as it slammed shut. They sped away from the hospital, leaving chaos in their wake.

Inside the car, Magnus' shoulder was bleeding profusely. Linden looked at him anxiously, "Sir, we need to get you to a hospital."

"No hospitals," Magnus insisted, knowing that they would be walking into a trap.

Natalia, seeing the blood soaking through Magnus' shirt, began to cry. She took off her coat, pressing it against his wound. "There's a bullet inside. We need to get you to a hospital."

Magnus reassured her, "It's okay. Linden can take care of it. It's too dangerous to go to a hospital."

Natalia nodded, her tears staining her coat as Magnus' blood seeped into the fabric.


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