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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 400

The moment the blonde bombshell tried to assert her grip on him, James deftly twisted out of her clutches with a casual backhand motion. Wiping his mouth and wearing a puzzled expression, he asked, "Who the hell are you?"

As James' words hung in the air, Angela's eyes filled with hurt. "Darling, don't you remember me?"

"What? No, who are you, really? Barging in here calling me 'darling?’" James shook his head in disbelief. "Look, lady, I might have the charm of a young Brad Pitt, but this isn't how you pick up a guy."

Angela stepped back, evidently wounded by his words. "Sweetie, have you truly forgotten me? Don't you recall that one wild night at the bar over a year ago?"

James shrugged with a smirk. "A wild night? Babe, I've never had a 'wild night' with anyone. You must be mistaken..."

Mid-sentence, James halted.

Back in his younger days, he had indeed lived it up, but as time went on, his interest in the opposite sex had cooled. Aside from the occasional hookup, he seldom went out of his way to seek female company.

Except for that one time...

It was a little over a year ago when he had followed his buddy Magnus to England to corner Callum at his castle, succeeding at last in helping Magnus win back Natalia. That night, in high spirits, he had hit the local pub for a few drinks.

As the night wore on, a sassy girl with bold makeup and a revealing outfit collided with him. It was like fate. The encounter ignited a spark in James.

Maybe it was the alcohol, or perhaps he had just been too pent up. It was unclear who seduced whom first, but James vividly remembered the craziness of that night. The girl's tantalizing figure had wrapped around him until dawn, leaving him barely able to walk straight in the morning.

It was a consensual one-night stand, no strings attached, just adults having fun. James left with a swagger at sunrise and did not even say goodbye.

He still sometimes dreamt of that fiery girl, but he'd never believe that the vision before him was that same girl from the bar. The difference was night and day.

"Uh... you are...?" James asked again, uncertain. "Where exactly did we meet?"

Angela's curly locks whipped through the air in frustration. "I've been searching for you for over a year, and this is how you act? You don't remember how you caressed my feet that night in the bar in England while calling me 'sweetheart?’"

James choked on his drink as Natalia and Lexi tried to stifle their laughter at Angela's brazenness.

James turned crimson, regretting his past actions. All he had wanted was to please the girl for the night. Now, thanks to Angela's words, he seemed like a sleaze.


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