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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 435

No, he had to put some distance between himself and Bianca. It was clear to him now. His heart belonged to Natalia, yet this girl he had taken under his wing, Bianca, was stirring a possessive desire within him that he couldn't quite understand.

It was just a carnal itch, he surmised; he was yearning for a woman's touch to quell his physical urges, and for some reason, his sights were set on Bianca.

Despite his internal vows to keep his distance, Hector found himself racing his Mustang back home as soon as the workday ended.

Dusk was settling in, and the streetlights began flickering on, guiding the wayward back to their nests. Driving home, Hector tried to mentally prepare himself; he wasn't rushing back for Bianca, but rather to clear the air, to make sure she didn't think he despised her.

Soon enough, Hector arrived at his villa and strode into the living room, where the aroma of a hot meal wafted through the air. Taking a deep breath, he had to admit, Bianca had outdone herself with the dinner spread.

"Bianca? Come on out, let's eat!" He called toward the kitchen, settling into a chair at the dining table with a satisfied grin.

But as the minutes ticked by, there was no sign of Bianca emerging. Where was she?

Curiosity piqued, Hector stood and walked toward the kitchen, only to find it spotless and empty. Odd, where could Bianca have gone?

Thinking she might’ve been busy with something else, Hector patiently returned to the table and waited. But when the food had gone cold, and there was still no sign of Bianca, Hector couldn't contain his worry any longer. He rose, searching the villa room by room. "Bianca? Where are you? Dinner's ready."

His voice echoed through the grand space, but she was nowhere to be found.

Frustration gnawing at him, Hector flopped down at the table, puzzled. It was getting dark; where could she have gone?

He reached for a glass of water, only to discover a note tucked beneath it. Picking it up, he read the delicate handwriting:

[Dear Sir, thank you for your kindness and shelter these past weeks, for brightening the gloomy chapters of my life. Being a simple country girl, I've made mistakes and perhaps caused you discomfort, for which I am sorry. Sir, I will forever be grateful for your goodness. I've left now. Take care, Bianca.]

The words exploded in Hector's mind. Bianca had left? With no home to go to, where could she be at this hour?

Panic-stricken, he grabbed his phone to call her back, only to realize she didn't have a cell phone.


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