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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 443

Callum looked at Natalia with a tinge of regret in his eyes. "I've got to head back home for a couple of days, I'll be back soon. Take care of Lexi for me, will you?"

"Cal, don't be silly," Natalia quickly waved off his concern. "Lexi and I have been tight for years. Looking out for her is what friends do."

"Alright then, I'm off. Once I sort things out, I'll come back to pick up Lexi."

Callum hurriedly packed his few belongings and left the sunny shores of Hawaii behind.

In the evening, when Magnus returned home to find Callum's presence missing, his heart did a little happy dance. Looked like his phone call to James paid off. He'd asked James to find a way to send Callum packing, and oh boy, did it work!

But why hadn't Callum taken Lexi with him? It seemed that another night would pass without cuddling his beloved wife to sleep. The thought pained him deeply.

Despite his silent grudges against Lexi, Magnus had no choice but to endure. And endure was what he did, until Callum finally dashed back to Hawaii and whisked Lexi away.

That night, Magnus couldn't contain his glee, humming an old tune under his breath, relishing his newfound freedom.

Watching Magnus' cheerful antics, Natalia pinched him playfully. "You're terrible. Why are you happy that Lexi's gone? Now, who's going to chat with me?"

Magnus quickly wrapped his arms around Natalia, resting his head against her swelling belly. "My love, how could you be short of company? Am I not here? Plus, Gabby's great company too. She’s smart and down-to-earth. She'd make a perfect new bestie for you."

Natalia nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Gabby's cool. We've already hit it off, you know?"

Magnus, eyeing Natalia's pregnancy-enhanced curves with a certain hunger, swallowed hard, his voice husky. "Honey, I was thinking..."

But before he could finish, Natalia shut him down. "Don't even think about it. This isn't the honeymoon phase anymore. You could hurt the baby."

"Fine, I'll wait. But when she's out, I'm spanking that little rascal for all this abstinence," Magnus said, a note of self-pity in his voice.

Natalia rolled her eyes. "Didn't you just...? Anyway, no! If you can't handle it, go sleep in the guest room."

Hearing the eviction threat, Magnus quickly began massaging Natalia's shoulders, eager to please her. "How's that, my dear? Am I doing good?"

"Fine, you've convinced me. You can stay... for tonight," Natalia drawled, playing the grand dame to the hilt.

The sweet days of life often slipped away so quietly, and before they knew it, Natalia was in her ninth month of pregnancy, with the due date fast approaching.

One day, Gabby approached the door of the CEO's office and knocked.

"Come in," Magnus said, tidying up his desk, eager to finish work and be with Natalia.


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