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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 450

Ever since that fateful night, Gabby had redoubled her efforts to fulfill the insidious plan Lucius had laid out for her. She waited patiently until Natalia had given birth, only to snatch away the newborn girl who should have been showered with her parents' love and affection.

A sly chuckle escaped Gabby's lips as she recalled the past two years since she had encountered Lucius. She had been spellbound, her mind muddled as if bewitched. Whatever he demanded, she would carry out without hesitation, consequences be damned. And Lucius hadn't disappointed her. He had turned the three hundred million dollars she had funneled to him into a fortune and had given her the title of his wife.

But that was all it was—a title. She never saw the tender look in Lucius' eyes, like the one that Magnus reserved for Natalia.

Gabby's lips curled into a wry smile. Perhaps this was her comeuppance for all the wrongs she had committed.

Meanwhile, Lucius, stepping into the shower, couldn't help but reminisce. He had once thought he was on death's doorstep. All his hatred and resentment towards Magnus would have to be swallowed in bitter defeat. But then Gabby appeared, saving his life and becoming obsessively devoted to him.

He never cared for plain-looking Gabby, but she proved to be the perfect pawn in his quest for vengeance.

He promised to marry her, dangling the prospect before her to coerce her into action. That night, he blindfolded her, so she wouldn’t see the fury in his eyes—a fury devoid of any compassion.

And Gabby had indeed carried out his elaborate scheme.

Lucius relished the sight of Magnus and Natalia screaming in agony, frantically searching the world for their missing daughter, and gradually sinking into despair until they were utterly broken.

Finally, vengeance was his. He had made Magnus experience the agony of having something precious ripped away.

Eventually, Lucius grew weary of the burden of a child and contemplated ending the little girl’s life, but Gabby fiercely objected. Perhaps it was Gabby’s resolve, or perhaps it was the sight of the baby’s innocent, shining eyes and sweet smile… In any case, he allowed the girl to live and consented to the name Gabby had chosen for her, Anna. Maybe Gabby hoped the child would herald a change in their twisted fate.


In a villa in Hawaii, Magnus was facing the grim anniversary of his daughter's disappearance. Over the past year, Natalia had become a shell of her former self, crushed by grief and despair, unable to breathe beneath the weight of her longing.

She sat desolately on the balcony, her gaze fixed on the dying embers of the sunset. Her eyes were no longer warm but filled with a chilling void. Losing her daughter mere hours after birth was even more excruciating than when her son Jonas had been snatched away by Morgan, causing her to plummet into the ocean.

Natalia could never have imagined the depths of deceit and calculation between people, nor could she have believed that Gabby, seemingly gentle and proper, could commit such an act.

As the midwife had rushed in, frantically asking where Natalia’s "sister" had gone with the newborn, Natalia's heart plummeted—she had no sister. Magnus, too, had charged towards the nursery, but it was the same grim result—their daughter had vanished without a trace.


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