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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 471

Natalia couldn't believe her ears and leaped from the couch with her phone in hand, pacing toward the door. “No way, are you pulling my leg?”

“Why would I joke about this? Open the door and see for yourself.”

Lexi’s voice rang clear from the porch, and as Natalia swung the front door open, she was greeted by Lexi's radiant smile, blooming like a vibrant rose.

“My dear Natalia, I’ve missed you to bits. You heartless thing, you never once thought to come to see me,” Lexi chided, throwing herself into Natalia’s arms for a tight embrace.

Natalia was nearly breathless from Lexi's enthusiastic hug. She managed to hug her back, then craned her neck to peer around her, “Where’s Cal? Why didn’t he come? How come it’s just you? And the kids?”

Lexi, arm in arm with Natalia, strolled back inside. “Isn’t it better they didn’t come? I get to enjoy some single lady freedom.”

What Lexi left unsaid was that it was Magnus who had called her. Magnus had reached out to Lexi, explaining that Natalia had been taking the disappearance of her child hard and hoped Lexi could spare a couple of days to fly over and provide some comfort.

On receiving Magnus' SOS, Lexi had not hesitated, promptly booking a flight to Hawaii. She had always been suspicious of Gabby, with her unsettling gaze and less-than-trustworthy vibe. Lexi had even warned Natalia to be cautious, but to no avail; Gabby had still managed to pull a fast one on them.

Over the past two years, Lexi had even enlisted the help of Callum to search for Natalia's missing daughter, but to no avail. It was only yesterday that Magnus shared the jaw-dropping news: Gabby was actually Lucius' pawn all along.

As for Lucius, that conniving weasel, Lexi would have loved to give him a piece of her mind, but from what Magnus said, Lucius was likely to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Served him right! What goes around comes around! It’s not a question of if, but when. And when the time came, karma would strike!

Lexi’s visit was especially for Natalia’s sake. To avoid stirring up painful memories, she left her children back home under Callum’s care. Natalia had lost her daughter, so Lexi thought it best not to bring her kids along and risk upsetting her friend.

Now, sitting on the couch, Lexi squeezed Natalia’s hand gently, her voice full of concern. “Natalia, look at what’s become of you. You’re practically skin and bones. If you can’t take care of yourself, how are you going to have the strength to find Anna?”

At Lexi’s words, Natalia’s eyes brimmed with tears. She glanced down at her frail, bony hands, her voice laden with yearning for Anna. “Lexi… I… I just miss my daughter so much. I didn’t even get to hold her before she disappeared. Whenever I close my eyes, I see her accusing me, asking why I haven’t brought her home yet.”

The tears Natalia had been holding back began to flow as she wept silently, shaking with emotion.

As a mother herself, Lexi could deeply empathize with Natalia’s pain and sorrow at losing a child. She moved closer, wrapping an arm around Natalia and gently patting her back. “Let it out, Natalia. Cry if you need to. Don’t keep it bottled up inside. It’s too hard that way.”


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