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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 473

Magnus rolled his eyes at Richard's antics, fully aware that this was just how Richard was wired. He wrapped an arm around Natalia's shoulders. "There's no chance left for you, buddy. She's the love of my life, and on top of that, she's the mother of your student."

Richard clutched dramatically at his heart, staggering backward as if in shock. "Oh my God, my heart's in shreds. How can the heavens be so cruel to me?"

Throughout the encounter, Natalia remained steadfastly behind Magnus, as she had promised before they set out. She offered Richard a friendly nod and a smile by way of greeting.

The radiant smile that lit up her face was enough to send Richard into a melodramatic lament. "Oh heavens! Strike me down with lightning! How could this angelic creature be snatched up by a lowly guy like Magnus? It's just not fair!"

Richard's over-the-top gestures made Natalia cover her mouth to suppress her laughter. Her increasing beauty only made Richard more exaggerated in his display of despair, stopping just short of cursing the gods.

Magnus couldn't stand it any longer and shot Richard a sideways glance. "Enough with the theatrics, man! Take us to see my boy."

Reluctantly, Richard led the way, muttering under his breath, "The power of love..."

Magnus and Natalia, trailing behind, couldn't quite catch what Richard was grumbling, and Magnus raised an eyebrow in question. "Richard, what are you mumbling about?"

Richard glanced back at Magnus, and then at Natalia walking alongside him. The more he looked, the more his heart sank. He snorted at Magnus and hastened his pace.

Magnus, well-accustomed to Richard's eccentric nature, didn't take it to heart and continued walking with Natalia.

Soon, they arrived at a towering structure made of steel girders. Standing fifteen to sixteen stories tall, the steep and daunting construction looked incredibly perilous from a distance.

Magnus shook his head in disbelief. "Richard, didn't you say this was different from back in the day?"

Richard, a bit too pleased with himself, said, "Yeah, times are changing. We've got to be stricter with the cadets, you know? Look at this—it's more than three times taller than what we had to climb!"

Magnus shrugged helplessly. "Alright, I should've expected this. Seems I underestimated the academy's progress."

"Of course, you did," Richard said smugly, then held up a hand to stop Magnus and Natalia from going any further. "Let's just wait here. The kid's about to make his entrance."

Magnus nodded, while Natalia, pale-faced, watched the steel mountain with a mix of awe and anxiety. Ever since she had laid eyes on that metallic peak, her heart had been in her throat. The mere sight of it was oppressive, let alone the thought of climbing it. To do so seemed like a death-defying act.

When Richard mentioned that their son, Jonas, would soon be ascending this steel behemoth, Natalia's face turned even paler with worry as she looked at Magnus. "Magnus, Jonas..."

Understanding her anxiety, Magnus tried to offer some reassurance, even though he shared her concerns. He gently patted her hand. "It's okay, trust me. The training here is tough, but they know what they're doing. They won't push him too far."


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