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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 480

Her life was a bleak canvas, stained with the grime of a cruel world. If it weren't for Anna, she might have already bid this sordid existence farewell. As slumber began to claim her, the jubilant sound of Anna's return pierced the silence. The aches that had claimed her body seemed to dissolve and were replaced by a sudden surge of vitality.

Scrambling upright in bed, Gabby quickly ran her fingers through her tangled locks, eager to greet her little beacon of hope.

Anna's petite figure dashed toward her, her ponytail whipping behind like a carefree butterfly.

"Mommy, I went butterfly hunting with Johnny by the old hill today, and they were so pretty!" Anna exclaimed, diving into Gabby's open arms with wide eyes expectant of praise.

Gabby mustered the strength to wrap her arms around Anna, gazed into the blue eyes that mirrored those of Natalia, and nodded with a choked voice. "That's wonderful, my sweet Anna. You're the best, aren't you?"

Despite her youth, Anna sensed the rasp in Gabby's voice wasn't right. She stepped back, peering up with concern. "Mommy, what's wrong with your voice today? Did something bad happen?"

Gabby couldn't bear to let Anna see the shame and torment she'd endured. She forced a stiff smile. "Oh, no, darling. Mommy's just so happy for you, catching butterflies is fun."

Relieved, Anna began to share her butterfly-hunting tale when she noticed a dark bruise on Gabby's arm. "Mommy, why is your arm all blue? Are you hurt?" Anna's voice trembled with alarm.

Unable to hold back any longer, Gabby pulled Anna into a tight embrace and sobbed, her words broken, "Anna... Mommy... I'm sorry... oh, I'm so sorry... I'm a bad person..."

In that moment, Gabby was consumed with regret for the choices that had led them to this abyss, for her past actions that now put both their lives in jeopardy.

Anna, naive to the world's fears, didn't understand her mother's tears but felt the urgency in her sobs. Her own tears followed, a silent echo of Gabby's despair.

Mother and daughter wept in their humble abode, one drowning in remorse, the other lost in confusion.


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