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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 487

In those quiet days, free of strife, insincerity, and betrayal, Gabby found the most tranquil peace she had ever known in her life. She watched as little Anna grew more joyful by the day, and her heart finally found rest.

Aside from Grant's less than handsome features and his nightly insistence on having sex, everything else was pretty much perfect.

Grant treated Gabby with care, showering her and Anna with all the best treats and entertainment. In their spare time, he would take them out to enjoy the manor's grounds, creating a harmonious family life.

Even though Grant was incredibly kind to both Gabby and Anna, Gabby always felt like she didn't truly belong there. Countless times, she thought about sneaking away with Anna when Grant wasn't paying attention. But then, she would consider the unfamiliar world beyond their home, where they could once again fall prey to danger. And when she saw the adoration in Grant's eyes, Gabby suddenly lost the nerve to leave. After enduring so much, she no longer had the courage to disrupt her current life.

If she acted impulsively and took Anna with her, it was almost certain they would return to a life of instability. Her own life may have been in ruins, but she couldn't bear to drag Anna down a troubled path. So, despite her desperate yearning to leave, Gabby stayed, clenching her teeth and settling into married life with Grant.

Over time, she began to get used to Grant's plain face and even occasionally felt like she might have belonged there all along. Only when she looked at Anna would her thoughts uncontrollably drift to the past—to debts owed and debts incurred.

Time slipped away quietly in this mundane life, and before Gabby knew it, three months had passed. One day, as usual, Gabby was braiding Anna's hair when suddenly she felt a wave of nausea and couldn't help but gag.

Anna, startled, thought Gabby was sick and quickly called for Grant, yelling, "Uncle Grant, come quick! Mommy seems really sick."

Grant rushed over, his forehead slick with sweat, and asked anxiously, "Honey, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well? Let me see."

Hearing Grant call her "honey" again, which he often did in bed, Gabby frowned in distaste. She had asked him repeatedly not to call her that, but Grant never listened. Now, with her stomach churning, Gabby didn't have the energy to argue and let him call her whatever he wanted.

Grant hurried to Gabby's side and tenderly touched her forehead, relieved to find it not hot. Then Grant asked with concern, "What's made you feel so unwell all of a sudden? Did you eat something bad?"

Gabby shook her head weakly, her stomach a stormy sea, unable to utter a single word.

Grant quickly sent for the manor's doctor. The doctor arrived promptly with his medical bag, examined Gabby carefully, and came to a conclusion that filled Grant with joy.

"Mr. Grant, Gabby is newly pregnant, which is causing her stomach discomfort. It's nothing serious. She just needs to rest and eat bland foods for a bit. After the first trimester, she should be fine."

After prescribing some supplements for Gabby, the doctor left.


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