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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 490

Rolling his eyes ever so slightly, Jonas drawled into the phone with a hint of teenage nonchalance. "Dad, can you, like, not be so full of yourself? Are you even half as cool as me?"

"Sure, sure, you got me there. My son's obviously the coolest, most dazzling dude on the planet!" Magnus boasted unabashedly.

Then, with a chuckle, he told Jonas, "Hey, bud, how about I swing by your school with your mom in a few days, huh?"

Jonas, acting all grown-up, shook his head. "Nah, you guys do your thing. I've got everything under control here, no need to fuss over me."

Hearing his son's confident response, Magnus let out a low chuckle. "Yeah, I know you're the man. But your mom's been missing you like crazy lately."

"Really?" A grin Jonas couldn't quite hide spread across his face. Ah, his mom missed him!

"Ahem," Jonas cleared his throat, trying to sound casual. "Well, if that's the case, you should let Mom come over. I mean, I've grown into a little man, sure, but I can't exactly stop her from wanting to see me, can I?"

Magnus internally laughed but happily played along. "Alright, then. We'll pack our bags and head over to your school in a couple of days."

"Cool, no problem," Jonas agreed. "But let's get something straight, when you guys get here, I'm bunking with Mom."

"What?" Magnus suddenly bristled, standing up in a puff of indignation. "Son! You're pushing ten for crying out loud! And do you still wanna cuddle up with my wife? Are you kidding me?"

Compared to Magnus' fiery temper, Jonas remained calm and collected. "Dad, get this straight. Even if I'm ninety, she's still my mom. I've been stuck in the kids' room all this time, and I hardly ever get to sleep next to her. Now that she's finally coming to see me, can't you grant me this one little wish?"

"Hmph!" Magnus was nearly apoplectic. "Dream on! I'm telling you, go find a girlfriend to snuggle with, but you're not sharing a bed with my wife!"

Unruffled, Jonas continued, "Dad, please understand one fact. Until I find a girlfriend, I'll have to sleep with Mom."

"That's it! Jonas, I'm telling you flat out; forget about it!" With those words, Magnus hung up, still fuming.

No sooner had he ended the call than Natalia approached him, her voice soft with concern. "What's up? I could hear you huffing and puffing from a mile away."

Still seething, Magnus pointed at the phone and looked at Natalia with a mix of frustration and disbelief. "It's that little brat Jonas. That kid's actually learned to talk back to me. Can you believe it?"

"Jonas? What's he done?" Natalia replied, puzzled. Jonas was supposed to be training in the States, wasn't he? Where would he find the time to challenge Magnus?

Magnus pursed his lips, recounting the argument with Jonas to Natalia, his face still red with anger. "Can you believe that cheeky brat has the nerve to argue with me?! Humph, I've made a decision; I'm not visiting that kid anytime soon. That’ll teach him a lesson."

Natalia couldn't help but smile at Magnus' childish behavior. He might’ve been tough and cunning to others, but with her, he was always just a big kid.


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