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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 495

Natalia was in her element, her hands moving with an artist's grace as she sketched out a whole set of jewelry designs before noon. The passion for her craft was evident in the way her eyes gleamed with a mix of concentration and excitement. With the last stroke of her pen, she leaned back to admire her work—a complete set of emerald designs that left her beaming with pride.

She couldn't wait to show her husband, Magnus. "Hey, love, check these out. What do you think?" she said, holding up the papers with a flourish.

Magnus took the sheets and studied them with a keen eye. The designs included emerald studs, a necklace, a bracelet, and a ring—each piece exuding a sense of timeless elegance and regal charm. The mere sketches were enough to take one's breath away; the finished products would undoubtedly turn heads and earn endless praise.

"My dear, you astonish me! How do you come up with such exquisite designs?" Magnus was effusive in his admiration, and his heart was swelling with pride. To him, Natalia was a treasure beyond compare—brilliant, a shining star in the world, and, best of all, his wife.

Natalia's cheeks glowed with the warmth of satisfaction as she looked up at Magnus and chuckled. "Oh, come on. I've got you to thank for some of that inspiration. Without your nudge, I'd still be here twiddling my thumbs."

Magnus' laughter filled the room. "Ha, my dear, I just love how you've got all this talent, yet you insist on staying humble. You're the perfect match for a rogue like me!"

She laughed at his teasing. "Oh, please. Since when does my being modest have anything to do with you?"

"Well, your humility certainly sets off my wild and dashing nature, doesn't it?" Magnus boasted. His heart lit with joy at Natalia's competence and creativity.

"Alright, enough with the flattery. Let's deliver these designs to Her Majesty. If she approves, we can head back. Remember, we promised to visit little Jonas," Natalia urged, eager to share their work and see their son.

They left for the palace shortly after, handing over Natalia's designs to the queen, who was thrilled with the fresh and grand collection. She immediately ordered her craftsmen to bring the sketches to life.

Despite the queen's pleas for them to stay longer, Natalia was adamant about returning home—the pull of family was too strong. Reluctantly, the queen agreed and even escorted them to the airport.

After bidding farewell to the queen and their friends, Callum and Lexi, Natalia, and Magnus boarded the plane, setting course for the States.


In Oakwood Manor, the days slipped by, and Gabby's condition deteriorated.

Her illness had progressed to the point where she was confined to her bed. Her life was sustained by the IV drips that fed her veins when her body rejected all food. Gabby had become a shadow of herself. Her limbs appeared gaunt, and her once vibrant eyes were dimmed.


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