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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 501

Interrogator Smith and Sergeant Grant turned their heads simultaneously to see a young boy standing in the doorway, his expression icy. "Explain our protocols to the suspect clearly; there is no need to rough him up. Let him confess properly. Violence is never the only solution to our problems," the boy stated with authority.

"Yes, Major. I'll make sure to follow the regulations during the interrogation," Smith nodded vigorously in agreement.

Grant, however, was taken aback as he observed the boy outside. He was struck silent, unable to utter a word.

That face bore an uncanny resemblance to his sister Anna, especially those pale blue eyes that were a mirror image of hers.

Jonas, the boy, merely gave Grant a cold glance before turning on his heel and walking away.

He had just happened to pass by when he saw Smith using excessive force on the suspect and decided to intervene.

Violence wasn't the answer to anything.

Once Jonas had left, Grant snapped out of his stupor, shouting after the retreating figure, "Come back, kid! I need to talk to you—it's important!"

The officer in charge of Grant's interrogation swatted him with his baton. "Shut your trap! That's Major Jonas, not some kid you can holler at!"

The baton's blow left Grant dazed, and he was completely astonished by Smith's revelation. "Is he a Major? He is so young!"

"Of course! What do you know? Stop wasting my time and confess your crimes," Smith said, punctuating his demand with another swing of his baton.

Grant was defenseless against the beating, and his speech became slurred in pain. "Stop, please. I must speak to that boy—your Major. Didn't he just tell you not to mistreat suspects?"

"Damn it, confess, and stop messing around!" Smith was tired of listening to Grant's slick talk; he knew that a few more hits would make him compliant.

The interrogation room echoed intermittently with Grant's cries of pain and his calls to speak to Jonas.

However, such sounds were all too common in the police station, and nobody paid attention to Grant's pleas.

Meanwhile, having left the interrogation room, Jonas returned to his office feeling lonely and downhearted. Even though the recent operation had been a resounding success, he didn't feel triumphant. Instead, he was filled with melancholy.

Over the past two years, he had pushed himself hard and achieved honors and medals rarely awarded to someone his age.

Yet, one thing weighed heavily on his mind – his sister Anna, who had been taken away at birth, was still missing.

Jonas sighed and gazed out of his office window, wondering silently, "Sister, where are you?"

Unbeknownst to him, his sister Anna was living in the very hideout of the suspect Grant, in a place far from here.



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