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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 510

Johanson scrutinized the unconscious figure for a while before slowly standing up. "Well, this guy's in decent shape. We could use an extra hand around the estate. Keep an eye on him. I'll head back and get some folks to help carry him."

"But..." Anna hesitated. "Please hurry back, Johanson." Despite feeling slightly afraid, Anna knew that if they didn't get this mysterious person to safety soon, his life might be in danger.

Johanson nodded and quickly made his way back to the manor. Their remote island was uncharted, virtually invisible to anyone who wasn't intimately familiar with these parts. The stranger was deeply unconscious, which reassured Johanson it was safe to leave Anna on the beach.

Watching Johanson’s retreating figure, Anna, though still a bit scared of the stranger lying on the sand, mustered her courage and approached him. She saw a face, handsome even in its stillness, with eyes firmly shut. For some reason, Anna felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, an attraction that made her want to draw nearer.

Like... like the feeling you get with a brother...

Anna chuckled to herself at the thought. What was she thinking? How could she feel familiar with someone she had never met before?

Before she could further ridicule her own thoughts, Johanson hurried back with help. He directed the estate's hired hands to lift the unconscious Jonas and bring him to the manor, then led Anna to follow.

They quickly returned to the manor, where the news of Johanson finding a young boy on the beach spread like wildfire through Oakwood Manor.

Normally, the estate's supplies were delivered by specific ships, and it was rare for outsiders to stumble upon the island. Now, this young lad had washed ashore, and everyone wondered what strange twist of fate had brought him here. The speculation remained private, and no one dared to openly gawk. Only Anna and Johanson stayed in the room, watching the doctor run various tests on the newcomer.

Before long, the doctor concluded his examination. He looked seriously at Johanson. "Mr. Johanson, this young man has merely exhausted himself, leading to his collapse. I believe he will awaken shortly. He must have drifted at sea for quite a while before the waves brought him to our shores."

Jonas nodded, seemingly uninterested in the details. "Fate works in mysterious ways. Just patch him up. The estate can always use another set of working hands."

The doctor nodded in agreement. "Right away, I'll administer some restoratives to speed up his recovery." After treating Jonas, the doctor waited patiently for him to wake.

Impatient, Johanson wandered towards the door. "He's your responsibility now. Once he's up, take him to the steward so he can start his duties. Come on, Anna, let's go."

"Okay, Johanson," Anna replied obediently. She gave Jonas one last glance, his face strikingly familiar to her.

They had only taken a few steps towards the exit when the doctor exclaimed, "Master Johanson, he's awakening!"

Johanson paused, then, without looking back, ordered, "Fine, once he's recovered, take him to the servants' quarters."

With that, he took Anna's hand. "Come on, let's get back to the beach."

Anna hesitated, glancing back at the man they had just rescued. "But Johanson, shouldn't we ask him where he came from?"

Johanson kept walking. "What does it matter where he's from? We've never turned away shipwrecked souls before. Since we've saved his life, he's bound to serve the estate. No need for questions. Let's go have fun. You weren't done playing earlier."


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