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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 512

Anna brushed off the matter with a nod of acquiescence. "Alright then."

And so, Jonas found himself consigned to days filled with menial farm work and nights in the spartan quarters reserved for the help.

Jonas didn't say much about his new lot, but he was anxious that his absence had stretched too long, and he feared Richard might spill the beans to Dad and Mom. He resolved to persuade Johanson to let him go at any cost.

Dressed in the worn garb of a servant, Jonas approached Johanson once more, his plea earnest, "Mr. Johanson, I've toiled here for days on end. Might I now take my leave? Rest assured, upon my return, I shall compensate you handsomely!"

Johanson could hardly contain his laughter at Jonas' words, "Ha! Compensate me handsomely? Let me tell you, I have no need for your money. You'd best forget that notion and work off your debt like a good servant!"

With a disdainful wave, Johanson dismissed Jonas and strode out of the hall.

Jonas clenched his fists, his anger spreading like wildfire within.

No, he simply could not stay here any longer! Come what may, he would depart this day!

Resolved, Jonas cast aside his worries and strode toward the estate's boundary.

Johanson left the hall, and joined Anna on the beach, frolicking in the sand. Suddenly, the butler came running from a distance, shouting breathlessly, "Mr. Johanson, something happened!"

Johanson rose from the sand, frowning and puzzled as the butler approached, panting. "What's all this fuss about?"

"It's... it's..." The butler gasped for air, then hesitantly continued, "That young man you picked up, he's causing a ruckus about leaving the village. He won't listen to reason!"

Johanson’s temper flared. He'd already made it clear there would be no leaving. Annoyed, he glared at the butler, "You fool! Can't you lock him up if he won't listen? A donkey needs a good thrashing to comply. Why are you panicking over such a trivial matter? I wonder why I've let you be my butler all these years!"

The butler's face reddened with shame as he lamented, "Mr. Johanson, I did try to lock him up, but the boy must have learned some sort of martial arts. We couldn't lay a hand on him!"

"What? He knows martial arts?" Johanson was incredulous. The boy he'd brought back seemed no older than himself, yet he possessed such skill?

The butler wiped the sweat from his brow. "Yes, Mr. Johanson, his skills are formidable. He injured several of our men!"

"Hmph, a bunch of incompetents!" Johanson marched back to the estate. "I want to see for myself just how 'formidable' his skills are."


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