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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 53

A single, dismissive phrase from Kendra saw her off, implying that her role as a stand-in was no longer required. How laughable.

"Sorry to disappoint you Kendra, but Magnus didn't send me away, and I'm not going anywhere. He requires my care," she responded calmly, despite the storm brewing within her.

Kendra's audacity was baffling. Who did she think she was to dictate Natalia’s life?

"Are you planning on sticking around?" Kendra's anger flared at her words. "Don't forget, I'm Magnus' legal wife. It's about time you resumed your original place."

Natalia laughed coldly, and her eyes were staring straight at Kendra. "You think I'll marry and leave as you command? Kendra, I'd already told you on the day I left the Clarkson family that I've repaid my debt for the fifteen years of upbringing. I owe you nothing now! As for Magnus, you can talk to him. If he asks me to leave, I will."

Kendra suddenly realized that the young woman before her was no longer the pushover she once was. She dared to confront her directly. Kendra strode forward and grabbed Natalia's arm. "What did you just say? You dare to defy me?"

Natalia pulled her arm away. "You've always disliked me, Kendra. I've kept my distance from you, yet you're still not satisfied. We agreed that our lives would be separate!"

Just as Natalia finished her sentence, Kendra slapped her across her pale face, leaving a distinct handprint. Natalia tilted her head slightly. Her calm eyes were now flashing coldly at Kendra. "Don't push your luck, Kendra. I won't obey you anymore."

Kendra stared venomously at Natalia before her, "You're just like your mother, shameless. You're busy with my man, do you understand? I did you a favor by letting you marry him. Get the hell out of here before I lose my patience!”

“Who are you telling to leave?” A deep voice echoed from the villa’s doorway, followed by the sound of a wheelchair sliding into the living room. Magnus, dressed in a suit, sat in the wheelchair.

His icy demeanor was like the chilling wind of October, and his black eyes were piercing Kendra like a sword.

Both women turned to look at the man sitting in the wheelchair. Despite his seated position, he exuded an aura of superiority.

Kendra trembled as she saw the wrath in Magnus' face. His gaze was lethal. "Mr. Magnus..."

Magnus retracted his icy gaze and slid his wheelchair next to Natalia, looking at her with concern. "Come here, let me see."

He took her hand and guided her onto his lap, touching the handprint on her face gently. "Does it hurt?"

Natalia didn't respond, shaking her head slightly, but as she tried to stand, Magnus held her tightly, and spoke softly, "I'll get you some ointment later. If anyone ever hits you again, hit them back, no matter who they are."

Touched by his words, Natalia fought back tears. No one had ever shown her such concern before. Her eyes welled up as she smiled faintly. "I'm okay, it doesn't hurt."

"You silly girl..." Magnus tightened his hold on her hands.

Kendra watched, seething with jealousy as Magnus treated Natalia with such tenderness. She was his.

Seeing Natalia in his lap felt like a thousand arrows piercing her heart. It was unbearable. She clenched her fists, and her nails dug into her palms until they bled. But before she could approach them, Magnus' icy gaze stopped her in her tracks. His look was one of utter disgust.


Two men in black entered. "Sir?"


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