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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 55

A sudden shout rang out from behind her, two figures converging at once to wrap her in a bone-crushing hug. "You little hellion, do you have any idea how worried we've been?" The first voice was choked with emotion. "We've been sick with worry, barely eating or sleeping. Look at us, we're nothing but skin and bones now!"

"Oh, for heaven's sake, cut out the dramatics, will ya?" Natalia grumbled, struggling to breathe under their enthusiastic grasp.

Their reunion was a riot of laughter and tears, drawing curious glances from their classmates. When they noticed Natalia's return, they all came over to greet her.

"Spill it, where have you been hiding these last few months? I've been to your house a couple of times, but your mom wouldn't say a word about where you were. And your sister? She avoids us like the plague!" Sabrina complained, gripping Natalia's hand tightly.

The school bell interrupted them, signaling the start of class. Natalia glanced at her friends, sighing deeply. "It's a long story. Let's get to class, and I'll fill you in later."

"Deal!" They agreed, entering the classroom just as the teacher made her way to the podium.

Despite her long absence, Natalia was a quick learner. With a little help from Sabrina and Lexi, she was able to catch up on the lessons she had missed.

Once class was over, the trio made their way to a quiet corner of the school. Lexi shot Natalia a worried look, her patience wearing thin.

"Do you have any idea how heartbroken Hector was after you left? He barely comes to school, and when he does, he's hardly present."

"We once saw him drowning his sorrows at the local bar. He's been a wreck without you, Natalia. We all know how deeply he cares about you."

Natalia felt a pang of guilt at their words. "How is he doing now?"

"Well, he's barely holding it together. His dad is planning on sending him to the States earlier than planned." Lexi finished, studying Natalia's expression closely.

Natalia felt a wave of despair wash over her. Even if she wanted to, there was no way she could continue where she and Hector left off. Her current situation was complicated, to say the least. She didn't feel worthy of him anymore. Everything seemed to be slipping away.

"Natalia, where the hell have you been these past few months? You nearly scared us to death!" Sabrina exploded, unable to hold her frustration in any longer.

Natalia studied her friends' worried expressions, deciding to confide in them. After all, they were her only confidantes.

"I..." She began, faltering for a moment before gritting her teeth and blurting out, "I got married. I married Mr. Magnus Andersen."

Sabrina and Lexi's jaws dropped in shock. "You're married to Magnus, the new CEO of Andersen Corporation - the wheelchair heartthrob?!"

"What?!" Natalia choked on her laughter, finding her friends' reaction amusing.

"Oh my God, Natalia! You're married to the wheelchair heartthrob. The guy who's been making all the girls swoon despite being on a wheelchair. He's the talk of the town, a real celebrity in Melfort."

"OMG! Natalia, how did you end up marrying him? You've broken so many hearts! We heard he's been hiding on a secluded island for nine years before he came back to take the helm of Andersen Corporation."


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