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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 554

"Heh, she’s better off dead. She deserved it anyway! With that heart of stone, it's only right she met her end!" Magnus spat out his inner thoughts with a cold sneer.

His words struck Henry like the final straw that broke the camel's back, igniting a fiery rage within him. With a furious swing, Henry's fist flew towards Magnus as he roared, "You bastard, give me back my sister's life!"

Magnus was taken aback by Henry's sudden aggression and quickly pulled Natalia to safety before trading blows with him. As they fought, Magnus chastised, "Hah, that's what you get for being too soft-hearted! I always knew you were all in the same rat's nest, ready to bite the hand that feeds you at the first chance. What a bunch of garbage!" In his anger, Magnus had completely disowned Natalia from the McKinney clan, declaring that not a single one of them was worth a dime.

Henry, fuming with indignation, realized he was no match for Magnus in a brawl and, without a second thought, pulled out his pistol and aimed it at him, bellowing, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

As Henry's shouts pierced the air, he lost all reason and pulled the trigger. A bullet, sparking with intent, rocketed toward Magnus. Natalia, in a moment of desperate courage, leaped in front of him, screaming, "Don't shoot!"

But her plea came too late. The bullet had already found its mark, burying into her arm with a dull thud. "Ah!" Natalia gasped as pain shot through her arm like a vicious bite. Cold sweat beaded on her forehead in an instant.

Magnus reacted only then, kicked the gun from Henry's hand with fury, and commanded, "Seize him!"

Magnus' men swarmed Henry, overwhelming him with numbers.

Without sparing another glance at Henry, Magnus cradled Natalia. Her arm was mangled and bleeding profusely from the bullet's kiss. Magnus’ eyes reddened with wrath and concern, and he held her tight. "Darling, why on earth did you do that? Why shield me?!"

"I... I was afraid... afraid you’d get hurt..." Natalia's complexion was ghastly pale, her lips quivering with pain as she struggled to speak.

Magnus' heart ached unbearably. Clutching Natalia's hand, he reassured her, "Hang on, darling. I'll get you to a hospital right away. Just hang on for me!"

In the midst of Magnus' commands, his men had successfully subdued Henry and were waiting for further instructions. Though skilled in combat, Henry was outnumbered and overwhelmed by guilt for accidentally shooting Natalia in a rash moment, rendering him unable to fight back.

"What should we do with him, boss?" one of Magnus' men inquired.

Magnus' eyes, bloodshot with rage, directed a malevolent glare at Henry. "Dump him in the ocean, and let the fish have him!"

"Yes, sir!"

The men nodded, ready to execute the order, but Natalia's weak voice intervened. "No... don't."

Magnus immediately turned to her. "Darling, you must listen to me this time! Those siblings are nothing but trouble! If you let him go now, he’ll come back to hurt you again!"

"No... don't... for our... for our daughter's sake... let him... go..." With every ounce of strength left in her, Natalia uttered those words before succumbing to the searing pain in her arm and slipping into unconsciousness.

"Natalia! Natalia!" Magnus cried out her name in agony, but she did not stir.

Having recently recovered from a serious illness, the gunshot was too much for Natalia, and she fainted from the pain.


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