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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 568

The criminal shoved the little girl toward Jonas, a crazed glint in his eyes. "Get her out of here, now! I'm about to light up the bomb strapped to me and take everyone in this building straight to hell!"

Stumbling forward, the child nearly collapsed before Jonas quickly stepped in and caught her in his arms. It was then that the tears came. She buried her face in Jonas' neck, her small fingers clinging to him for dear life. "I'm scared... I want my mommy... mommy..."

"Shh, don't cry. Your mommy will be here soon," Jonas whispered, comforting the girl with a gentle voice. "Run, get as far away as you can..."

But before he could finish his sentence, a searing pain exploded in his back as the blade of a knife found its mark. The madman had lunged at him, and his bloodied dagger was raised for another strike. "You're not her brother, you liar! I'll kill you!"

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Jonas pushed the girl to one of his men and grabbed the assailant's wrist, snapping it with a loud crack. A wolf-like howl escaped the criminal's lips as Jonas struck the back of his neck, rendering him unconscious. He immediately ordered the bomb to be disarmed and the assailant to be hauled off in a patrol car.

The ordeal lasted only twenty minutes, but Jonas was left with a bleeding back, and his blood painted the pristine floor a stark crimson.

Ignoring his wound, Jonas insisted on cleaning up the scene before he would even consider getting into the vehicle.

"Major, we need to get you to the hospital!" his subordinate, nicknamed Tiger, urged, eyeing the blood soaking through Jonas' clothes.

"Just take this guy back and hand him over to the jailers. I won't die from a scratch like this," Jonas said stubbornly.

It was only when they reached the precinct and had debriefed the mission that Jonas' vision began to blur. He finally allowed Tiger to take him to the hospital.

The medical staff, shocked by Jonas' blood-soaked appearance, rushed him into surgery. He received seven stitches on his back but chose not to inform Magnus and Natalia. Knowing his mother's nature, she would be beside herself with worry. He figured he'd be fine in a few days and saw no need to alarm them.

However, the Berlin family got wind of the incident, and Madeline charged into the hospital, bursting into Jonas' room with a cry of, "Jonas!"

Her eyes immediately filled with tears upon seeing Jonas in the hospital bed. Madeline checked his wound, her distress evident. "Does it hurt a lot, Jonas? You scared me to death." She had skipped class upon hearing the news and rushed to be by his side.

"It doesn't hurt," Jonas reassured her, holding her hand gently. "Why did you skip class to come here?"

"I was worried when I heard you were hurt," Madeline replied, wiping away her tears and gazing at Jonas intently.

"Skipping class isn't good. Go back to your studies. I'll be fine after a few days of rest."

"I want to stay and take care of you!" Madeline insisted stubbornly.

Jonas closed his eyes, trying to be authoritative. "Be a good girl. I'm fine. Go back to school."

But as he tried to send her away, she started crying again. Jonas stared at her, his patience waning. "Why are you crying again? You're grown up now. Crying doesn't suit you."

He wiped away her tears, and Madeline forced a smile, uglier than any cry she could muster.

Jonas chuckled, "You're still such a little girl."


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