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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 572

The bartender was also the owner of the quaint little dive bar, and Elisea's smile had him head over heels. His head bobbed in agreement like a pecking chicken. "Sure, sure, welcome aboard, gorgeous."

With a snap of her fingers, Elisea knew the job was hers.

The barkeep had never seen such a captivating woman apply for a waitress position before; Elisea was like a walking jackpot to him. Without hesitation, he reached under the bar and produced a bunny girl costume. "That drink's on the house. Waitresses start at two grand a month, plus tips. Go get changed!"

Elisea figured it was as good a place as any to lay low while the outside world was on the hunt for her. She nodded, took the costume, and slipped into the changing room.

When she emerged, dressed to kill, the bar owner's jaw practically hit the floor. He knew this new hire would be a magnet for customers, but he hadn't anticipated how her figure would set the place ablaze. And with her angelic face, it was hard to look away.

Elisea was dressed in a bunny outfit and drew the eyes of every hungry wolf in the bar. Whistles and catcalls filled the air as she frowned briefly before slipping away to serve drinks in the VIP lounge.

The lounge only had one patron, a man with a protruding belly and a shiny, balding pate - the spitting image of a cartoonish tycoon. As soon as Elisea followed the bartender in, the man's eyes lit up. He reached for her svelte waist, his drool nearly hitting the floor. "Hey, sweetheart, how much for the night? I'm buying!"

Elisea gracefully sidestepped his grubby hands and set the tray of red wine on the table. "Please behave, sir. Here's your wine."

"Behave? Ha! Cut the innocent act! Name your price, I'm loaded!" Snorting in derision, he pulled out a wad of cash and slapped it on the table, "A hundred grand for one night. Is that enough?"

Elisea looked down, hiding the disgust in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I earn my keep through hard work, not by selling myself."

With that, Elisea walked out of the lounge, following the bartender, who wore a look that said he was enjoying the show.

But just as she stepped outside, the tycoon grabbed her arm. "Don't play hard to get, honey. Everyone has a price, so don't throw away a good deal!"

As he tried to drag her back into the lounge, Elisea looked to the bartender for help, only to see him smirk and walk away.

The onlookers outside the lounge were there for a good time, not to play hero for Elisea. Amidst their sneers and whistles, the tycoon managed to pull Elisea back into the lounge.

Then, with the door slammed shut and the laughter continuing outside, the man advanced on Elisea with a predatory gaze. But Elisea was quick; she dodged and twisted his arm, bringing him to his knees before covering his mouth and nose with her other hand...

Ten minutes later, Elisea walked out of the lounge to the sound of jeering laughter. Her hair was slightly disheveled, and the crowd jeered even more, some going as far as to give her the finger. "Wow, that was quick!"


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