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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 579

It was an old saying that a woman's closet was never quite complete, and even Elisea, known for her frosty demeanor, couldn't escape this universal truth. Though she was here on a mission to assassinate Jonas, she had to admit the man had a knack for understanding the desires of a woman's heart.

But apologies were due—despite the fact that his collection of dresses was passable to her critical eye, her mission remained unchanged.

Shaking her head, Elisea slipped out a cozy bathrobe from the wardrobe and tiptoed into the bathroom. After a comforting bath, weary from the day's endeavors, Elisea nestled herself into the plush cocoon of a down comforter and drifted off to sleep.

As she hovered on the edge of dreams, footsteps approached. Jonas pushed the door open and entered the room. His gaze softened like melting butter upon seeing Elisea curled up, as lazy and adorable as a kitten, under the covers.

He approached the bed slowly, peeled back the covers, and slipped in beside her, wrapping his arms around her petite frame.

Elisea awoke with a start, her fist swinging instinctively. "Damn it!"

Her punch was effortlessly caught by Jonas, who pulled her into his warm chest, forcing Elisea to turn and face him.

"You lousy perv—what do you think you're doing!?" Elisea glared at him, fuming like a steam engine. This jerk had the nerve to take advantage of her in her sleep—absolutely shameless!

Facing Elisea's fiery temper, Jonas grinned as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Nothing at all. I just want to hold you while we sleep."

Elisea was livid. His words were so infuriating. "Let go, you bastard, or I swear I'll kill you!" She struggled to break free from his embrace.

But Jonas, having shed his dinner-time charm, clung to her like a stubborn piece of bubblegum. "Quiet down, I just want to hold you, that's all. And you can't kill me."

Elisea trembled with rage, struggling fiercely to kick him away. Her nightgown shifted during the struggle, revealing soft skin that darkened Jonas' gaze with intensity. Inhaling the sweet scent of her hair, Jonas felt a strong surge of desire beneath him. He tapped Elisea's nose and warned her with the eyes of a wolf. "Stop moving, or I'll have to spank you!"

Anger made Elisea grind her teeth and she fought back harder.

Jonas’ patience wore thin; he flipped her beneath him, his voice rough and deep with restraint. "If you keep moving, I might just decide to devour you completely!"

Elisea tensed up, feeling Jonas becoming more dangerous by the second. She might have been single, but she was no fool.

That despicable pervert!

Internally cursing Jonas, she dared not move, watching him anxiously, fearful of his next move.


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