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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 59

"Who are you? ...Uh" Natalia stepped back, but before she could shout, she was muffled by a cloth from behind by two men and dragged into the nearby bushes.

Natalia blacked out, and the two men quickly hoisted Natalia into a nearby van. In no time, the van disappeared from where no one was paying attention.

As dusk fell, Linden had already prepared dinner, but Natalia didn't come home. He knew Natalia had been studying hard lately, but she always came home at this hour. He promptly dialed Natalia's cell phone, but it was turned off. He immediately drove to Melfort College, which was already devoid of students. After explaining his identity to the security guard, he asked if there were any students left.

The guard shook his head. "School is dismissed every day at six, and no students have been staying for night study lately."

Linden remembered Natalia had two close friends, so he immediately contacted the principal and got the numbers of Sabrina and Lexi.

When he found out Natalia wasn't with them, Linden began to panic. Where on earth could Ms. Natalia be?

He was just about to call Magnus when he arrived back at Maplewood Manor when he saw Hector's car slowly pulling up to the mansion.

Not caring about anything else, he rushed over to Hector. "What brings you here?"

"I'm here to see Natalia. Is she home?" Hector got out of the car with his hands in his pockets.

"No, Ms. Natalia hasn't come home yet. I've looked everywhere. She hasn't gone to her friends' either." Linden was frantic. If anything happened to Ms. Natalia, he'd have hell to pay when Magnus returned. Magnus had left him in Melfort to take care of her.

Hector froze at Linden's words. "Is she usually home by this time?"

"Yes, she usually comes home at this time," Linden replied truthfully.

Hector immediately jumped into his car. "Come on, let's go look for her. She can't be lost, right?"

"That's impossible, Ms. Natalia always comes home alone," Linden said confidently.

"Where's my cousin?" Hector was getting anxious. Where was Magnus? Natalia hadn't come home and he was acting as if nothing was wrong, letting a servant go out and look for her!

"Mr. Magnus has been in France for a few days. I haven't had a chance to call him yet." Linden was about to call Magnus, but Hector stopped him.

"Calling him now won't do any good! Get in the car, and let's go find Natalia."

Linden figured he was right, so he got into Hector's car. But he couldn't help sending Magnus a message. [Ms. Natalia is missing!]

They drove back and forth several times on the road from the school to Maplewood Manor, but there was no sign of Natalia. Hector then drove to the Clarkson family.

Linden was extremely anxious. Why didn't he think of Natalia going back to her mother's house?

When they knocked on the door of the Clarkson family's mansion, the maid asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Has Natalia come home?"

“She hasn't come back since she married into the Andersen family." The maid glanced into the living room after she spoke.

"Who is it?" Addison asked from the living room.

"It's someone looking for Natalia." After the maid finished, Hector saw everyone in the living room look over.

Hector nodded at Addison and Kyler, "Natalia didn't come back to the Andersen family after school. We don't know where she is. Hasn't she come back here?"


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