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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 84

However, Magnus seemed to completely ignore Natalia's minor protest. With an air of command, he leaned down, gently brushed his lips against hers, giving her a sweet good morning kiss. Afterwards, he spoke, "Didn't I mention a few days ago that I had a reward for you? I won't be going to the office this morning; I'll take you to see your reward."

Having meticulously prepared for this for several days, Magnus was confident that his efforts would surely delight Natalia.

"Reward? I thought you were joking last time." On hearing this, Natalia was filled with excitement, her eyes sparkling. She hadn't expected any reward.

The last time Magnus mentioned this, nothing came of it. She assumed he had forgotten, or had said it in passing. However, to her surprise, he remembered and was about to fulfill his promise today.

Seeing her in this state, Magnus was in high spirits. He reached out, gently tweaked her nose, and said, "Of course, I always keep my word."

"Well, let's have breakfast quickly, and then go see the reward you have for me." Natalia was thrilled. This was the first time someone had planned such a surprise for her.

She hurriedly got up from Magnus' embrace and sat at the dining table.

She gobbled up all the food that the servants had piled onto her plate. Once she was full, Magnus, who always ate like a gentleman, was also satisfied. They then slowly left Maplewood Manor in a car driven by Linden.

"Magnus, where are you taking me?" As the car continued on the journey, Natalia couldn't resist her curiosity and decided to ask him. However, no matter how much Natalia prodded, Magnus simply smiled and remained silent, not giving anything away.

He merely said in a neutral tone, "You'll know once we get there. If I tell you now, what kind of surprise would it be?"

"Alright," Magnus was for once, serious. Natalia had no choice but to sit obediently by his side, her heart full of anticipation. She had no idea what surprise Magnus had in store for her.

As their black Rolls Royce pulled into a suburban villa area, the green mountains, vast grasslands, and natural lakes outside the car window left Natalia awestruck. It wasn't until the car stopped that Magnus gently patted Natalia's cheek. He said in a deep voice, "Alright, if you like it, you can enjoy it for as long as you want in the future."

"Okay," Natalia wondered why Magnus had brought her here. She merely nodded and followed him out of the car. She rolled Magnus' wheelchair and followed Linden directly into a villa.

This villa was different from the ones Magnus had lived in before.

The villas Magnus lived in usually had a more rugged and simple design. However, the villa before her eyes was lavishly decorated, with an incredibly dreamy design from inside out. There were even a lot of dolls, as well as lace curtains, and other pink elements inside. All of them were girls' favorites.

At a glance, it was a villa suitable for a girl to live in. After touring the villa from top to bottom with Magnus, Natalia was even more perplexed about his intentions.


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