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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 96

Looking at Magnus in his current state, it was clear he had no intention of settling down for the night. Best she keep her distance.

After all, his wound had scabbed over, and in a few more days, it should be mostly healed.

If he acted willfully at this time, there was a risk of reopening the wound, which would only prolong the healing process.

Watching Natalia's fleeing figure disappear around the stairway corner, Magnus, dabbing his lips with a napkin, couldn't help but flash a wicked smile. "What difference does it make whether you sleep in the guest room or my bedroom?" he muttered to himself.

Since she kept in mind the things Dr. Frankie had emphasized when he returned to France, Natalia, upon going upstairs, didn't dare to stay in Magnus' bedroom. Instead, she took her book and went straight to the guest room to sleep.

She thought that, by doing this, Magnus would leave her be and stay in his own room.

But little did she know, after she'd finished showering and emerged from the guest room bathroom, she would find a freshly showered, handsome man dressed in a white bathrobe, seated on her bed.

"Wha...wha..." Magnus had followed her to the guest room. Natalia felt really helpless.

Magnus, however, simply lifted the blanket by his side, patted the bed, and said, "Come here, Nat."

He was determined to savor Natalia's sweet company tonight, no matter what.

When Natalia looked at Magnus' gazes, she felt a shiver run down her spine.

In the past, she wouldn't have felt anything special about Magnus' advances. But after he confessed his feelings for her a few days ago, the thought of sharing a bed with him now made her unusually nervous.

So she said, "I'll go back to the master bedroom. You can sleep here if you like."

With that, Natalia hurried to the door, desperate to escape.

But no matter how she twisted the doorknob, the door wouldn't open.

In desperation, she turned to Magnus, who sat on the bed, and asked for help.

"Magnus, why can't I open the door? You..."

Magnus interjected. "I had Linden lock the door. It won't be opened until tomorrow morning. So you can either stand here all night or sleep next to me."

Natalia stood there, hesitating for a long time.

Magnus was definitely doing this on purpose and was determined to sleep with her; Natalia had no choice but to comply.

She walked over to the bed, sat down next to Magnus, and tried to convince him to behave himself as she wanted his wounds to heal quickly.

Magnus, knowing he was injured, surely wouldn't lose control, right?

With that reassurance, Natalia, who had been nervous, finally felt slightly more at ease.

But as soon as she lay down, before she could even calm her racing heart, the man next to her turned over and pressed himself against her.

Without giving her a chance to react, he lowered his head and passionately kissed her lips, a desire he had been harboring for a long time. Damn it.


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