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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 109

Brandon shot him a glance. "Spit it out."

Kent cautiously eyed his expression. "Should I really spill the beans? If I step out of line, please go easy on me."

"I won't."

Kent was speechless.

Don elbowed Kent. "Just come out with it, man. Why you beating around the bush?"

Kent cleared his throat, looked over at Brandon who had turned his attention back to work, and felt it was time to bite the bullet while Don was there to back him up. So he addressed Brandon. "Mr. Crawley."

Brandon was flipping through reports and didn't look up, simply responded with one word. "Speak."

"Did you run into Ms. Yearwood at the hospital?"

Brandon's hand paused on the report, he tilted his head slightly and gave Kent a look. "You knew she's back in town?"

"Did she contact you?" he asked.

The light questions and the chilly gaze made Kent instantly recall the incident two years ago when Sophia asked him to convey a message to Brandon about returning money. At that time, he carelessly called her "Sophia" and said, "Mr. Crawley, Sophia's on the line." What he got in return was the same kind of icy stare and a bone-chillingly calm remark, "Since when are you and Ms. Yearwood on a first-name basis?" That look, paired with his slowly measured tone, made Kent's spine tingle.

This time, to avoid any suspicion, he had carefully referred to Sophia as "Ms. Yearwood," but it seemed he still couldn't dodge the scrutiny in that gaze and tone.

Feeling the weight of Brandon's stare, Kent quickly waved his hands to show his innocence.

"Why would she contact me for no reason?" Kent chuckled nervously, carefully choosing his words, "Aren't you off your game today?"

Don, intrigued, raised an eyebrow, looked at Brandon, then back at Kent. "What's the deal here?"

Kent didn't dare cater to Don's gossip, his eyes still nervously fixed on Brandon.

Brandon still had that calm, side-glancing look.

"Go on," he said.

Since the conversation had already started, Kent had no choice but to plow ahead. "Every time you've been off these past two years, it's been about Ms. Yearwood. And since you visited her dad at the hospital yesterday, I thought maybe you bumped into her there."

And that it got under your skin again.

Kent didn't dare to voice that last part.

Don seemed to catch on. "Who's Ms. Yearwood?"

Kent sneaked a glance at Brandon. "Mr. Crawley's wife."

He just couldn't bring himself to say "ex-wife."

Don blurted out. "Didn't you guys get a divorce?"

Realizing he might be betraying Kent’s confidence, he regretted it instantly and smacked his own mouth.

Kent pretended not to hear, maintaining a humble posture as if waiting for Brandon's orders, trying not to draw fire onto himself.

But his humility was in vain.

Brandon glanced at him, and even without saying a word, his look made Kent's legs go weak.

Brandon didn't speak; just looked at him.


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