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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 123

Don was feeling seriously crept out, so he quickly explained, "It's not like I went out of my way to ask about her. I just casually brought it up while we were talking shop. But chill, man, I've got Sophia's back. I wouldn't just blab about her."

As he spoke, he whipped out his phone, pulled up his chat with Sylvia, and tapped on a new voice message he had sent. "Oh yeah, what was the name of the hospital where Sophia had her baby last year? I've got a buddy who's expecting and wants to scope out the place."

Sylvia's response came back quick, her voice oozing confusion. "When did Sophia ever have a kid? Wasn't she still in school last year, not even graduated? How could she have had time to have a baby? You sure you're not talking about Louisa?"

Don shot back a message like a lightbulb had just gone off in his head. "Oh, right, right, Louisa. My bad, my brain's all scrambled with the hustle and bustle."

Looking at Brandon, Don said, "See? If she really had been knocked up and popped out a kid, there's no way it would've slipped by us. I think you're just overthinking it."

Brandon just stared at him, silent.

He remembered that moment in the restaurant when he had pressed Sophia about whether the child was still around. The hurt that had welled up in her eyes, spiraling into a breakdown.

He didn't know if it was the topic that had touched a raw nerve or something else.

He knew he shouldn't have brought it up. Even with his suspicions, it would have been better to verify things behind the scenes rather than rip open old wounds. But when she walked away so decisively, emotion got the better of him.

The question about the child had become a means to force her to pause.

A tactic, and a test.

Logically, Brandon was pretty sure the kid was no longer in the picture.

Sophia wasn't one for empty gestures.

Once she set her mind to something, she wouldn't waver.

She never was one to beat around the bush. If she was going to bail, she'd do it clean and sharp.

But emotionally, Brandon had held onto a glimmer of hope, even if it was one in ten thousand.

Don put his arm around Brandon's shoulder, patting him in a comforting gesture.

"Look on the bright side, no kid might be a blessing in disguise," Don said. "Otherwise, it'd be like planting a landmine in your future marriage, wouldn't it?"

Brandon shrugged off his paw. "If you can't say anything helpful, zip it."

Don was left speechless.

Brandon bent down, grabbed a bottle off the table, poured himself a full glass, and downed it in one go. He set the glass back on the table.


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