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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 142

Sophia glanced at her phone and saw a call from her college mentor, Zachary.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, she picked up the call.

It turned out that Zachary was hitting her up for a meal.

He was in town for a scholarly conference and knew she was still around, so he wanted to catch up over some grub.

Sophia was kinda taken aback.

Zachary had been her uni mentor.

Back in her freshman year, she'd snagged an award at the Architectural Design Competition and caught Zachary’s eye. He'd taken her under his wing ever since.

During those years, it was Zachary leading her through projects, from group gigs without any credit to solo designs where her name could shine. His mentorship paved the way for where she was today.

So, for her old college mentor, Sophia had nothing but respect, gratitude, and admiration.

When she nailed her grad school acceptance here, she'd buzzed Zachary with the good news first thing.

Life, work, and studies had gotten in the way, and while they hadn't worked together in a while, they stayed in touch. But since she hadn't managed to go back home, she hadn't had the chance to visit him in person.

Now with Zachary swinging by for a conference, Sophia was both surprised and stoked.

She was down for the dinner date.

Zachary had set it up for the evening at a joint near the campus.

When Sophia arrived, Zachary was already there, waiting.

The guy was over sixty, a retiree from academia.

But with his hefty academic rep and clout, he still got the odd invite to lecture. Post-retirement, he'd shifted gears to focus on architectural research and boosting domestic design.

Probably from years of hard yakka, he looked older than his years, with a head mostly silver, but he still had this refined and gentle vibe, always talking with a twinkle in his eye and a smile at the corner of his mouth, real grandfatherly.

"Professor," Sophia greeted with a smile upon seeing Zachary at the table.

Zachary beamed, standing to greet her. "You made it."

After ushering her to her seat and letting her order from the menu, he turned to Sophia. "Have you been swamped with work lately?"

"Nope," Sophia chuckled, shaking her head, "Just graduated, pretty chill for now."

"What's your plan after graduation?" Zachary probed.

Sophia had heard this same tune before – Brandon asked, her dad asked, and now Zachary was the third.

"I'll sort out some stuff here then head back home to job hunt," Sophia shared.

"So, you're not thinking of taking up that gig at Star·Dempsey Architects?" Zachary threw out there.

Sophia froze, giving Zachary a puzzled look.

Zachary just chuckled. "Ivan mentioned it to me."


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