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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 174

"Brandon's parents asked me to help make this thing happen," Don said. "Honestly, as an outsider, I shouldn't be sticking my nose in. But as Brandon's friend, I want him to be happy."

Sophia just looked at him without a word. Don hadn't quite hit the nail on the head yet.

"You know Brandon," Don continued. "The guy's actually got a lot going for him—he's easy on the eyes, tall, in good shape, smart as a whip, Ivy League grad, CEO of a big company, rolling in dough, and handsome to boot. He doesn't mess around like some other guys, he's clean as a whistle, kind, and considerate. The only downside is he's a bit cold when it comes to feelings and emotions."

Don looked at Sophia as he spoke. "A guy like him, stepping into a new marriage would be a walk in the park. Because to him, who he marries might not make much of a difference."

Sophia remained silent.

She had talked about this issue with Brandon before, and he had admitted that for him, who he married didn't really matter.

A person like that, you could say he's heartless, but also that he's capable of long-term commitment.

He wouldn't cheat on his marriage, nor would he have an affair. In fact, if you're not looking for romance, he's the perfect partner to just settle down with and get through life.

Don could read the thoughts in Sophia's eyes.

"So, you see, if someone really pushed for it, single Brandon and Yolanda could end up together," Don said seriously, looking at her. "Sophia, have you really thought this through? One day, he'll get married, have his own family; can you truly be okay with that?"

"From the moment I decided to divorce him, his future life wasn't something I should be concerned about or care for," Sophia said softly, understanding Don's point. "Mr. Dempsey, if you want to play matchmaker for Brandon and Marian, don't worry about me."

Don looked at Sophia, speechless.

Her calmness left him feeling somewhat deflated.

He was actually torn inside.

Due to his childhood crush on Yolanda, and watching Brandon's dedication to her over the years, this affection and dedication had turned into an obsession to see the star-crossed lovers finally together, an obsession that was abruptly cut short when Brandon had his whirlwind wedding.

Emotionally, he had some trouble accepting it, as Brandon's actions felt like a betrayal to Yolanda.

So, during the two years of Brandon's marriage, he, like Martin, refused to find out or get to know who Brandon's wife was.

But he didn't expect Brandon's wife to be Sophia.

He admired Sophia's talent and personality, but that admiration wasn't enough to compete with his affection for Yolanda.

Childhood memories with Yolanda were just too sweet.

If Sophia and Brandon were happily and calmly in love, he would have just sighed and wished them well with admiration.

But their relationship was half-dead, and Brandon had lost his usual composure and calm. Instead of dragging it out, as he had discussed with Kent before, what's called not being able to let go wasn't necessarily about deep feelings; it's often just habit, or being stuck in memories unwilling to move on. But ultimately, it's because he haven't met someone new.

Brandon just needed to start a new relationship to dilute that habit.

Don was a man of action.

His matchmaking wasn't the old-fashioned kind where one set up a dinner and awkwardly shove two young people together. Brandon wouldn't agree to that kind of set-up.

So he decided to seize the lively atmosphere today and pull both Brandon and Marian into this celebration.

In a crowded place, the matchmaking wasn't so obvious, and whether it worked out or not, it won't be awkward.

And in the thick of the action, it's easier to see each other's true feelings.

Getting Marian to come wasn't hard.


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