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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 285

Louis glanced over Sophia, pleasantly surprised and taken aback. "You? It's you?"

Last time at the hospital, he had nearly taken a tumble, and Sophia had been his knight in shining armor.

Back then, he had wanted to get her name and contact info to thank her properly, but Sophia had left without leaving a trace.

He'd been bummed about it for a while, never expecting to bump into her again.

The joy of reuniting with his lifesaver completely overshadowed Renata's calling him "Yoli," and he just grinned at Sophia, "Well, look who it is! We meet again, kiddo."

He had a habit of calling young people "kiddo".

Sophia hadn't expected to run into a family member of the elderly either and replied with a polite smile, "Hello."

Gerald stepped forward with a puzzled look, "Dad, you two know each other?"

Gerald's wife, Rachel, who was supporting Louis, also cast a puzzled glance at Sophia, her expression betraying a hint of confusion upon seeing her face.

Sophia caught that look and instinctively turned her gaze towards her.

Their eyes met and Sophia too paused, feeling that same sense of bewilderment and confusion.

Rachel saw Sophia's startled look and cracked a small smile at her.

Sophia snapped back to reality and returned the smile politely.

Louis was already explaining with a chuckle.

"Last time I was hospitalized for high blood pressure, I was so bored of lying in bed all day. Seeing that Leo wasn't around, I thought I'd sneak out for a little walk, get some fresh air. Didn't expect to get dizzy as soon as I hit the hospital garden's corridor. I was about to hit the deck when this young lady here caught me. Saved my old bones, she did."

Worry flickered across his face as he turned to Sophia, "Speaking of which, you didn't hurt yourself last time, did you? You alright?"

Then he looked up and added for everyone else's benefit, "It was a bit of an emergency situation. This kiddo here cushioned my fall with her own body, those tile floors don't forgive easily."

"Dad, seriously, how many times have we told you not to go wandering off when Leo isn't around? What if you had really hurt yourself?" Gerald chided him gently, then turned to Sophia with a grateful expression, "Kiddo, thank you so much."

Sophia felt a tad embarrassed being called "kiddo."

"Just call me Sophia," she replied courteously.

Louis was still hung up on his earlier concern, "You sure you didn't hurt yourself last time? You okay now?"

Sophia nodded, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

Feeling left out, Renata interjected with dissatisfaction, "Yoli, Yoli's back."

While saying this, she grabbed Sophia's hand and pushed her towards everyone.

Sophia guessed that the "Yoli" she was talking about must be Yolanda and felt a bit awkward.

"I just ran into this lady at the park, she seems to have mistaken me for someone else, kept holding onto my hand."

Louis glanced at an excited Renata, a flicker of sympathy crossing his face, then turned to Sophia with an apologetic look.

"She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's a few years back, and in the last two or three years, she can't recognize people anymore. She often mistakes the kids for me, or me for the kids. Don't take it to heart."

Sophia nodded understandingly, "I get it."

Then she glanced at her watch and said, "Well, I've got to run. I'll leave her in your hands. I've got things to do."

As she tried to pull away, the old lady clung to her hand tighter, clasping it to her chest like a treasure.


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