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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 310

Sophia was even more awkward. Although Theresa couldn't understand, Sophia didn't want to discuss it in front of her either. Grace was also clueless about what the two were talking about, casting a curious glance at Cindy.

Cindy, who's usually pretty laid-back and not the detail-oriented type, failed to notice Sophia's embarrassment. She couldn't help but look at Theresa with envy and blurted out, "You're too blessed, I swear. Your kid's smart, pretty, and adorable - like she's got all the buffs stacked up. I really wanna have one too, but who knows if I'd be lucky enough to have a cute little girl like her. I'd love to have a daughter."

Then, leaning towards Sophia, she asked, "Sophia, can you actually choose the gender too?"

Sophia, feeling awkward, put an end to the conversation. "Let's not talk about this right now."

Cindy thought Sophia was considering Theresa’s feelings and apologized with hands pressed together, "Sorry, got a bit carried away there."

"It's okay, let's just eat," Sophia said with a smile, smoothly changing the subject.

Theresa, who had been paying close attention to the conversation, finally found a moment to speak up, turning to Sophia with confusion, "Mommy, what's a sperm bank?"

Sophia nearly choked on her food.

Cindy was also surprised, not expecting such a young child to catch on to useful information so accurately - this only made her more determined to seek out a sperm bank to have a child.

Sophia managed to swallow the food stuck in her throat.

"It's like," Sophia searched for a vague explanation, "a scientific method."

Theresa nodded, half understanding, feeling that her mom hadn't finished her explanation and continued with puzzled eyes, "And then?"

"How about we talk about it when you're older?" For the first time, Sophia used the 'I'll tell you when you're older' card.

Theresa, still not quite getting it, obediently nodded and didn't push the issue further.

After dinner, with some time to spare, Sophia decided to drop Theresa and Grace off at home.

On the way back, Theresa, finally alone with Sophia, snuggled into her arms and said unhappily, "Mommy, that grandpa we saw, he's always so fierce. Does he dislike me?"

Sophia was taken aback by Theresa's question about whether Daniel disliked her - something she had tried to avoid. She didn't want Theresa to be so sensitive to the emotions of the adult world and to feel sad about it.

But Daniel's stern demeanor towards Theresa was undeniable, and his distaste was plain to see. Sophia was surprised that Theresa noticed such subtle emotions , and it hurt her heart.

Holding Theresa tightly, she reassured her softly, "No, sweetheart. He was just dealing with some stuff and was in a bad mood, that's why he couldn't control his emotions. It's not about Theresa. You know, sometimes when you can't see mommy and feel unhappy, you don't want to talk even when Grace wants to play. But you don't hate her, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Theresa nodded, "Yeah, I love Grace."

Sophia explained, "See? He doesn't dislike Theresa either. He's just not happy himself."

Theresa pondered and then said, "Then next time, I'll make grandpa happier."

Sophia just smiled and didn't encourage her, but couldn't help but teach her, "It's okay if you want to make him happy, it shows you're kind. But it's also okay if you can't, and you shouldn't be sad about it. As long as we haven't done anything wrong, we don't need to worry if others like or dislike us, okay?"

Theresa nodded, seemingly getting the point.

Sophia comforted her by stroking her head and dropped her off at home, bidding her farewell, "Mommy has to go back to work, I'll come home to be with you tonight, okay? Stay good at home."

Theresa nodded earnestly, "Okay. Bye, Mommy."

After a hug and a kiss, Sophia let her go and headed off to work.

Theresa watched the door close with a lingering gaze that seemed reluctant to let go.

Grace came over to hug her, "Come on, let's go wash our hands," placing her milk bottle bag in the hallway.

Theresa suddenly remembered the drawing she had of her mom's, and realizing the beautiful lady took it out, she frantically reached for the bag on tiptoes, saying in a rush, "The drawing, my mom's drawing."

Seeing her urgency, Grace quickly handed her the bag, "What are you looking for? Here's your milk bottle."

But Theresa was just frantically opening the bag, searching anxiously, nearly sticking her whole head in, muttering, "Where's my drawing? My drawing's gone."

"What drawing?" Grace, seeing her almost in tears, quickly helped her search, "What drawing? What are you looking for?"

"Mommy's drawing." Being so young and unable to articulate clearly, Theresa just kept repeating anxiously, spilling the contents of the bag, and didn't find it. She stood up and was about to dash out when Grace scooped her up in a hurry, comforting her, "It's okay if the drawing's lost, mommy has plenty more."

But Theresa was still upset, struggling to get down and go look for it, so Grace had to carry her back.


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