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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 324

The sudden stop of footsteps made Don pause mid-sentence on the phone, and he instinctively looked back to find Sophia staring at him, which left him a bit red-faced, too.

He muttered into the phone, "You dug your own grave, now lie in it. I've got something up, gotta bounce."

After hanging up, Don turned to face Sophia.

"When did you sneak up?" he asked with a grin, trying to act all cool and casual.

Sophia was slightly embarrassed herself. "Just got here, actually. Had a bit to sort out with you, saw you heading this way, so I tagged along."

"I was actually about to holler at you." Sophia hurried to clarify, hoping to avoid any misunderstanding.

"Don shrugged, "Guess I was too caught up in the call to notice you. You heard all that just now?"

Sophia hesitated a moment before nodding gently.

"Right," Don said, nodding in return.

"Grandpa Louis wasn't in the best shape, and Martin didn't want his grandpa to die with regrets, so he faked Marian's paternity test to say she was Yolanda," Don added.

"Does Brandon know about this?" Sophia asked softly.

Don hesitated but eventually nodded. "Yeah."

"And he," Sophia paused briefly, "when did he find out?"

"From the get-go."

Don couldn't help but pause when he said those words and looked at Sophia with concern.

Sophia just gave a slight smile before asking, "Is he still on the hunt for Yolanda?"

"I don't know," Don admitted honestly. "Haven't seen him bring it up."

Sophia nodded, "Got it, thanks."

Don couldn't read her expression and tried to lighten the mood. "So, what's up? You needed me for something?"

"Just wanted to chat about taking the day off tomorrow," Sophia said with an apologetic chuckle, "If it's a hassle for the company, I can skip the break."

"Sure thing," Don responded, a tad surprised at Sophia's willingness to back down.

Sophia gestured behind her. "Guess I'll get back to it."

Don nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Sophia headed to the front hall to help welcome guests.

Though she'd been feeling down these past few days, she didn't let it affect her work. After greeting a bunch of guests, Sophia popped into the break room for a touch-up.

She needed to reapply her makeup.

The upcoming groundbreaking ceremony had her slated to speak as the lead designer.

There was a staff break room and an executive one.

Don had set Sophia up in the executive lounge.

Sophia initially thought to just use the staff room, but as it was busy with no mirrors available, she found herself in the executive lounge next door.

It was empty and more comfortable for her.

She went straight to the vanity, pulled out her lipstick to freshen up her lips, and before she was done, the door swung open.

Patricia's slightly annoyed voice followed. "Don is as stubborn as a mule, he didn't allow Marian's name to be added to the project design list, and he even had the nerve to bring it up with Brandon."

Her words cut off abruptly upon seeing Sophia in front of the mirror.

"What are you doing here?"

Patricia asked, her haughty demeanor creeping back, "This is set aside for the lead designer. Who let you in?"

Daniel, who accompanied her, also noticed Sophia and frowned.

"Brandon put you on the project design list?" he said, frowning deeper in annoyance, "That's absurd! He refused Marian but allowed you in? What's he playing at, always going head-to-head with me?"

Daniel then faced Sophia, adopting a patronizing tone. "Look, Sophia, whether Brandon wants to make it up to you or tick me off, throwing money at you for a fancy degree or even a company to mess around with is his business, not ours. But the Zenithan-style resort project is our baby, it's tied to the company's rep. Word gets out, and it could tarnish our brand."

With that, he turned to his bodyguard. "Please escort Ms. Yearwood out."

But the bodyguard stepped forward, blocking him and Patricia. "Mr. Crawley, Mrs. Crawley, this isn't your lounge. Please move along."

"That's not her lounge, is it?"

Patricia didn't lose her temper, but she couldn't help frowning at Sophia, worried that Sophia's designer title might steal the spotlight.

It's a common enough story in the workplace.

She had taken a shine to the design of the Zenithan-style resort project, and by extension, to its behind-the-scenes designer Vivian. But due to Don's subtle machinations, they hadn't had a chance to meet Vivian in person.

They had intended to pop by before the ceremony to say hi and see if they could get Marian's name added on.

Adding the name seemed trivial for Don, but he turned out to be a tough nut to crack. Instead of persuading them to give up, he went straight to Brandon with it.

Of course, the outcome was a no-brainer. Don relayed a firm refusal through Brandon.

No matter what they suggested, he'd reply apologetically, "Mr. Crawley, Mrs. Crawley, I can't make that call, Brandon's watching. How about I ring him up for you?"

That left them in limbo, unable to press further.

Out of options, Patricia had thought to chat with the lead project designer and make introductions, never expecting to run into Sophia the moment the door opened.

The bodyguard didn't know if this was Sophia's lounge or not, that wasn't his concern.

His only job was to shield Sophia from Daniel and Patricia's meddling, so he politely told Patricia, "Sorry, that's not in my wheelhouse."


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