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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 325

The groundbreaking ceremony was about to kick off.

The empty seat next to her was getting filled up with all the big shots, people who were somebody in the world.

Maybe it was because she looks the part with her vibe and style, but a bunch of folks were hitting her up with small talk. Sophia just played it cool with a polite smile and chimed in now and then.

She was not exactly a social butterfly, not really into the whole mingling scene, so she kept it short and sweet when it came to these kinds of schmooze-fests.

Brandon's seat was still empty, probably still tied up with something inside.

After running into a brick wall with Don, Daniel and Patricia didn't get to meet the Vivian in person and had to head to the venue instead.

Their seats were right next to Sophia's, courtesy of Don's arrangement.

Patricia instinctively scanned the nameplates at the front rows as they arrived at the venue, but the name Vivian nowhere in sight.

She couldn't help but frown, leaned over to Daniel, and whispered, “Where's Vivian? Hadn’t Don said that the head designer had already here?”

Daniel also took a quick look around the venue, not really bothered, “It's probably just hidden behind the crowd.”

“I checked the first two rows, no name,” Patricia insisted, a bit frustrated. Meanwhile, Sophia was already snagged a front-row seat.

Patricia couldn't help but knit her brows when she saw Sophia sitting quietly in the first row.

Daniel noticed that Sophia's seat was right next to Brandon's and frowned too, but since everyone was already settling in, he kept his cool.

“I don't know what Don's thinking,” Daniel muttered under his breath, noticing that the ceremony was about to start and holding off any further comments. He guided Patricia to their seats, all smiles and shook hands with the guests along the way, until they finally sat down and the smile faded.

Patricia's seat was right next to Sophia's.

She didn't even give Sophia the time of day, just sat down with her left leg crossed over her right, sitting up straight as an arrow, her gaze fixed on the stage, all poise and arrogance from her posture to her expression.

Sophia didn't bother looking at her either.

Compared to Patricia's stiffness, Sophia was more laid-back, even found the time to shoot off a few texts.

Patricia tried to hold her pose, but her curiosity about where Vivian sitting got the better of her. She sneaked a peek around, offering a polite smile when she accidentally locked eyes with someone, all proper and polished.

But after a full scan, she still didn't see what she was looking for and her frown deepened. Just as she was about to turn and whisper to Daniel, Brandon made his entrance, followed by a crowd. He was chatting with a few folks on the side, looking calm and collected with a strong presence, standing out in the crowd with his stature and demeanor.

As he headed their way, Patricia clamped her mouth shut mid-sentence but couldn't help but watch him.

Although Brandon was engaged in conversation, his attention shifted as he enters the venue, scanning the crowd while listening.

Sophia, catching the commotion of his arrival, glanced in his direction.

Their eyes met.

Brandon flashed her a subtle smile, so faint it was almost imperceptible to others, but it was clear his search is over.


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